Interactions I: Num x Cat

Learning Objectives

At the end of this lab, you will:

  1. Understand the concept of an interaction
  2. Be able to interpret the meaning of a numeric \(\times\) categorical interaction
  3. Be able to visualize and probe interactions

What You Need

  1. Be up to date with lectures
  2. Have completed all labs from Semester 1

Required R Packages

Remember to load all packages within a code chunk at the start of your RMarkdown file using library(). If you do not have a package and need to install, do so within the console using install.packages(" "). For further guidance on installing/updating packages, see Section C here.

For this lab, you will need to load the following package(s):

  • tidyverse
  • kableExtra
  • psych
  • sjPlot
  • patchwork
  • sandwich
  • interactions

Presenting Results

All results should be presented following APA guidelines.If you need a reminder on how to hide code, format tables/plots, etc., make sure to review the rmd bootcamp.

The example write-up sections included as part of the solutions are not perfect - they instead should give you a good example of what information you should include and how to structure this. Note that you must not copy any of the write-ups included below for future reports - if you do, you will be committing plagiarism, and this type of academic misconduct is taken very seriously by the University. You can find out more here.

Lab Data

You can download the data required for this lab here or read it in via this link

Study Overview

Research Question

Does the association between wellbeing and the number of social interactions differ between rural and non-rural residents?

Wellbeing/Rurality data codebook.


  1. Create a new RMarkdown file
  2. Load the required package(s)
  3. Read the wellbeing_location_rural dataset into R, assigning it to an object named ruraldata



Study & Analysis Plan Overview

Question 1

Provide a brief overview of the study design and data, before detailing your analysis plan to address the research question.

  • Give the reader some background on the context of the study
  • State what type of analysis you will conduct in order to address the research question
  • Specify the model to be fitted to address the research question (note that you will need to specify the reference level of your categorical variable)
  • Specify your chosen significance (\(\alpha\)) level
  • State your hypotheses

Much of the information required can be found in the Study Overview codebook.

The statistical models flashcards may also be useful to refer to. Specifically the interaction models flashcards and numeric x categorical example flashcards might be of most use.


Question 2

Check coding of variables (e.g., that categorical variables are coded as factors).

As specified in Q1, we want ‘not rural’ as the reference group, so make sure to specify this.


Descriptive Statistics & Visualisations

Question 3

Provide a table of descriptive statistics and visualise your data.

Remember to interpret your findings in the context of the study (i.e., comment on any observed differences among groups).

In particular:

  1. Explore the associations among the variables included in your analysis
  2. Produce a visualisation of the association between weekly number of social interactions and well-being, with separate facets for rural vs non-rural respondents OR with different colours for each level of the isRural variable.

Review the many ways to numerically and visually explore your data by reading over the data exploration flashcards.

For examples, see flashcards on descriptives statistics tables - categorical and numeric values examples and numeric x categorical example - visualise data, paying particular attention to the type of data that you’re working with.

More specifically:
1. For your table of descriptive statistics, both the group_by() and summarise() functions will come in handy here.

  1. If you use the select() function and get an error along the lines of Error in select...unused arguments..., you will need to specify dplyr::select() (this just tells R which package to use the select function from).

  2. The pairs.panels() function from the psych package can plot all variables in a dataset against one another. This will save you the time you would have spent creating individual plots, but is only useful for continuous variables.


Model Fitting & Interpretation

Question 4

Fit the specified model, and assign it the name “rural_mod”.

We can fit interaction models using the lm() function.

For an overview, see the interaction models flashcards.

For an example, review the interaction models > numeric x categorical example > model building flashcards.


Question 5

Look at the parameter estimates from your model, and write a description of what each one corresponds to on the plot shown in Figure 1 (it may help to sketch out the plot yourself and annotate it, and refer to the drop down options below).

Figure 1: Multiple regression model: Wellbeing ~ Social Interactions * is Rural
Options for Mapping Parameter Estimates to Plot

Recall that we can obtain our parameter estimates using various functions such as summary(),coef(), coefficients(), etc.

For an overview of how to interpret coefficients, review the interaction models > interpreting coefficients flashcard.

For a specific example of coefficient interpretation, review the interaction models > numeric x categorical example > results interpretation flashcards.


Question 6

No participants in our dataset had zero hours of social interactions per week (the lowest was 3), and we’re likely not interested in differences between rural and non-rural residents who have never interacted with others.

Mean center the continuous IV(s), and re-run your model with mean centered variable(s).

There are a couple of different ways that we can re-centre. See the data transformations > centering flashcards for a recap. Note, it would be best to create a new mean-centered variable to then use within the model in this instance.


Question 7

Note any differences between the summary() output between the original (“rural_mod”) and mean centred (“rural_mod1”) models. Pay particular attention to your coefficients and their significance values. How have your coefficients changed? Why do you think these differences have been observed?

These plots illustrate the difference between the “rural_mod” and “rural_mod1” models.

Figure 2: Difference when social interactions is not vs is mean centered.
Note that the lines without SE intervals on the left plot represent predicted values below the minimum observed number of social interactions, to ensure that zero on the x-axis is visible


Visualise Interaction Model

Question 8

Using the probe_interaction() function from the interactions package, visualise the interaction effects from your model.

Try to summarise the interaction effects in a short and concise sentence.


Writing Up & Presenting Results

Question 9

Provide key model results in a formatted table.

Use tab_model() from the sjPlot package. For a quick guide, review the tables flashcard.


Question 10

Interpret your results in the context of the research question and report your model in full.

Make reference to the interaction plot and regression table.

For an example of coefficient interpretation, review the interaction models > numeric x categorical example > results interpretation flashcards.


Compile Report

Compile Report

Knit your report to PDF, and check over your work. To do so, you should make sure:

  • Only the output you want your reader to see is visible (e.g., do you want to hide your code?)
  • Check that the tinytex package is installed
  • Ensure that the ‘yaml’ (bit at the very top of your document) looks something like this:
title: "this is my report title"
author: "B1234506"
date: "07/09/2024"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2

If you are having issues knitting directly to PDF, try the following:

  • Knit to HTML file
  • Open your HTML in a web-browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox)
  • Print to PDF (Ctrl+P, then choose to save to PDF)
  • Open file to check formatting

To not show the code of an R code chunk, and only show the output, write:

```{r, echo=FALSE}
# code goes here

To show the code of an R code chunk, but hide the output, write:

```{r, results='hide'}
# code goes here

To hide both code and output of an R code chunk, write:

```{r, include=FALSE}
# code goes here

You must make sure you have tinytex installed in R so that you can “Knit” your Rmd document to a PDF file:

