7A: Simple Linear Regression

This reading:

  • How can we create a model of the relationship between two variables?
  • How can we test certain parameters that define our model?
  • How can we test the model overall?

The Linear Model

In its simplest form, linear regression is a way to make a model of the relationship between two variables. When both variables are continuous, it is nice and intuitive to envisage this as the ‘line of best fit’ on a scatterplot. For instance, in Figure 1 we see two variables y and x, and our linear regression model is the blue line.

Figure 1: y regressed onto x.

We’re going to use the data in this plot for the remainder of the reading. If you wish to play around with it yourself, it is available at https://uoepsy.github.io/data/usmr_slr.csv, and contains a sample of 100 observations on variables x and y.

my_data <- read_csv("https://uoepsy.github.io/data/usmr_slr.csv")
# A tibble: 6 × 2
      x     y
  <dbl> <dbl>
1  3.19  4.42
2  2.57  4.48
3  3.91  2.72
4  4.79  5.39
5  4.00  3.85
6  4.11  4.42

Figure 1, above, highlights a linear relationship, where the data points are scattered around an underlying linear pattern with a roughly-constant spread as we move along x.

In 5A: Covariance & Correlation we have already talked about one way to describe this relationship, by calculating either the covariance or the correlation between x and y.
However, as we will see in the coming weeks, the linear model provides us with the scope to extend our analysis to many more situations - it is the building block of many more complex analytical methods.

The simple linear regression model takes the form:

\[ \begin{align} & y = b_0 + b_1 \ x + \epsilon \quad \\ \end{align} \] :::column-margin You will see a variety of different ways of specifying the linear model form in different resources, some use \(\beta\), some use \(b\). Sometimes you will see \(\alpha\) instead of \(b_0\). :::

We typically refer to the outcome (‘dependent’) variable with the letter \(y\) and to our predictor (‘explanatory’/‘independent’) variables with the letter \(x\). When we construct a linear model we are trying to re-express our outcome variable \(y\) with some linear transformation of our predictor variable \(x\).

You can think of this in broader terms as: \[ \begin{align} & \color{red}{Outcome}\color{} = \color{blue}{Model}\color{black}{} + Error\\ \end{align} \] ## The Model

When we fit a simple regression model, the bit we refer to as the ‘model’ is the line that is defined by two numbers:

  • the intercept, denoted \(b_0\).
    This is the point at which the line hits the y-axis (i.e. where \(x=0\))
  • the slope, denoted \(b_1\).
    This is the angle of the line. It is the amount which the line increases for every 1 increase in \(x\).

Figure 2: Simple linear regression model, with the systematic part of the model in blue

This line implies some predicted values for our observed \(x\) values. For instance, we can see that when \(x=3\), the model (the blue line) will predict that \(y\) is approximately 4. If we take each of our datapoints, and project them up/down to the line, then we get our fitted values (Figure 3). We often denote these as \(\hat y\) (or “y hat”), with the hat indicating that they are the model-estimated values of \(y\).

\[ \begin{align} \color{red}{Outcome}\color{black} \qquad=\qquad & \color{blue}{Model}\color{black}{} & +\qquad Error\\ \color{red}{y}\color{black} \qquad = \qquad & \color{blue}{\hat y}\color{black} & +\qquad \epsilon \quad \\ \color{red}{y}\color{black} \qquad = \qquad & \color{blue}{b_0 + b_1 \ (x)}\color{black} & +\qquad \epsilon \quad \\ \end{align} \]

Figure 3: Simple linear regression model, fitted values in blue
Optional: Regression Slope vs Covariance

The Error

Our model is not perfect. It is a model - i.e. it is a simplification of the world, and so is inherently going to be inaccurate for individuals. This innaccuracy can be seen in the plots above: some points are higher than the model predicts, some lower. These deviations (shown by the red lines in Figure 5) from the model are the random error component \(\hat \epsilon\), or “residuals”.

Figure 5: Simple linear regression model, with the systematic part of the model in blue, and residuals in red

In full, we should really write our linear regression model out as:

\[ \begin{align} & y = b_0 + b_1 \ x + \epsilon \quad \\ & \text{where} \\ & \epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma) \text{ independently} \end{align} \]

The new bit here: “\(\epsilon \sim N(0, \sigma) \text{ independently}\)” means that the errors around the line have mean zero and constant spread as x varies (we’ll read more about what this means later in this course, when we discuss the assumptions underlying regression). You can think of \(\sim N(0, \sigma)\) as meaning “normally distributed with a mean of zero and a standard deviation of \(\sigma\)”.

The standard deviation of the errors, denoted by \(\sigma\) is an important quantity that our model estimates. It measures how much individual data points tend to deviate above and below the regression line. A small \(\sigma\) indicates that the points hug the line closely and we should expect fairly accurate predictions, while a large \(\sigma\) suggests that, even if we estimate the line perfectly, we can expect individual values to deviate from it by substantial amounts.

\(\sigma\) is estimated by essentially averaging squared residuals (giving the variance) and taking the square-root:
\[ \begin{align} & \hat \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{SS_{Residual}}{n - 2}} \\ \qquad \\ & \text{where} \\ & SS_{Residual} = \textrm{Sum of Squared Residuals} = \sum_{i=1}^n{(\epsilon_i)^2} \end{align} \]

Fitting Linear Models in R


In R it is very easy to fit linear models, we just need to use the lm() function.

The syntax of the lm() function is:

model_name <- lm(outcome ~ 1 + predictor, data = dataframe)

We don’t have to include the 1 + when we specify the model, as this will be included by default, so we can also simply write:

model_name <- lm(outcome ~ predictor, data = dataframe)
What is the ~1 + doing?

Model Summary

We can then view lots of information by giving our model to the summary() function:

my_model <- lm(y ~ x, data = my_data)

lm(formula = y ~ x, data = my_data)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.4383 -0.6593  0.1075  0.5945  2.1867 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  1.54277    0.32005   4.820 5.24e-06 ***
x            0.77952    0.09959   7.827 5.92e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.9308 on 98 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3847,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.3784 
F-statistic: 61.26 on 1 and 98 DF,  p-value: 5.918e-12

Figure 6: Output of lm() for a simple regression in R

The intercept \(b_0\) is the point at which the line hits the y-axis (i.e. where \(x=0\)), and the slope \(b_1\) is the amount which the line increases for every 1 increase in \(x\). We can see the estimated values of these in Figure 6, providing us with our fitted line:

\[ \begin{align} y &= 1.54 + 0.78 (x) + \varepsilon \\ \end{align} \]

Figure 7: Simple linear regression model, estimated intercept and slope included

Model Predictions

Furthermore, we can get out the model predicted values for \(y\), the “y hats” (\(\hat y\)), using functions such as:

  • predict(my_model)
  • fitted(my_model)
  • fitted.values(my_model)
  • my_model$fitted.values

A nice package which will come in handy is the broom package. It allows us to use the function augment(), which gives us out lots of information, such as the model predicted values, the residuals, and many more:

# A tibble: 100 × 8
       y     x .fitted .resid   .hat .sigma  .cooksd .std.resid
   <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl>      <dbl>
 1  4.42  3.19    4.03  0.388 0.0102  0.935 0.000903      0.420
 2  4.48  2.57    3.54  0.941 0.0130  0.931 0.00681       1.02 
 3  2.72  3.91    4.59 -1.87  0.0180  0.916 0.0378       -2.03 
 4  5.39  4.79    5.28  0.107 0.0438  0.935 0.000319      0.118
 5  3.85  4.00    4.66 -0.809 0.0197  0.932 0.00776      -0.878
 6  4.42  4.11    4.74 -0.327 0.0222  0.935 0.00143      -0.355
 7  4.30  2.72    3.66  0.638 0.0114  0.933 0.00274       0.689
 8  5.94  4.02    4.68  1.26  0.0202  0.927 0.0193        1.37 
 9  1.70  3.05    3.92 -2.22  0.0100  0.908 0.0291       -2.40 
10  4.79  4.58    5.11 -0.318 0.0358  0.935 0.00224      -0.348
# ℹ 90 more rows

We can also compute model-predicted values for other (unobserved) data. For instance, what about for an observation where \(x=10\), or \(20\)?

# make a dataframe with values for the predictor:
some_newdata <- data.frame(x=c(10, 20))
# model predicted values of y, for the values of x inside the 'some_newdata' object:
predict(my_model, newdata = some_newdata)
       1        2 
 9.33792 17.13307 

Given that our fitted model takes the form below, we can work this out ourselves as well:

\[ \begin{align} y &= 1.54 + 0.78\cdot x \\ y &= 1.54 + 0.78\cdot 10 \\ y &= 1.54 + 7.80\\ y &= 9.34 \\ \end{align} \]

Inference for Regression Coefficients

Now that we have fitted a linear model, and we know how we interpret our coefficient estimates, we would like to be able to make a statement on whether these relationships are likely to hold in the population.
Our coefficients accurately describe the relationship between \(y\) (outcome) and \(x\) (predictor) in our sample, but we are yet to perform a statistical test. A test will enable us to discuss how likely it is that we would see this relationship in our sample, if the relationship doesn’t hold for the population.

Figure 8: Estimates without inference

Much like our discussion of sample means and intervals in 2B: Sampling & Curves, we have our coefficients:

(Intercept)           x 
  1.5427681   0.7795152 

and to quantify the amount of uncertainty in each estimated coefficient that is due to sampling variability, we use the standard error (SE)1 of the coefficient.

The standard errors are found in the column “Std. Error” of the summary() of a model:

             Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.5427681 0.32004944 4.820406 5.239619e-06
x           0.7795152 0.09959062 7.827194 5.917849e-12

In this example the slope, 0.78, has a standard error of 0.10. One way to envision this is as a distribution. Our best guess (mean) for the slope parameter is 0.78. The standard deviation of this distribution is 0.10, which indicates the precision (uncertainty) of our estimate.

Figure 9: Sampling distribution of the slope coefficient. The distribution is approximately bell-shaped with a mean of 0.78 and a standard error of 0.10.

We can perform a test against the null hypothesis that the estimate is zero. The reference distribution in this case is a t-distribution with \(n-2\) degrees of freedom2, where \(n\) is the sample size, and our test statistic is:

\[ t = \frac{\hat b_1 - 0}{SE(\hat b_1)} \]

This allows us to test the hypothesis that the population slope is zero — that is, that there is no linear association between income and education level in the population.

We don’t actually have to do anything for this, it’s all provided for us in the summary() of the model! The information is contained in the row corresponding to the variable “education” in the output of summary(), which reports the t-statistic under t value and the p-value under Pr(>|t|):

             Estimate Std. Error  t value     Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 1.5427681 0.32004944 4.820406 5.239619e-06
x           0.7795152 0.09959062 7.827194 5.917849e-12

A significant association was found between x and y (\(b = 0.78\), \(SE = 0.10\), \(t(98)=7.83\), \(p<.001\)).

Recall that the p-value 5.92-e12 in the Pr(>|t|) column simply means \(5.92 \times 10^{-12}\). This is a very small value, hence we will report it as <.001 following the APA guidelines.

Figure 10: Conversations with statisticians

Model Evaluation

Partitioning Variance

We might ask ourselves if the model is useful in explaining the variance in our outcome variable \(y\). To quantify and assess model utility, we split the total variability of the outcome variable into two terms: the variability explained by the model plus the variability left unexplained in the residuals.

\[ \begin{align} & \qquad \qquad \qquad \qquad \text{total variability in response } = \\ & \text{variability explained by model } + \text{unexplained variability in residuals} \end{align} \] The illustration in Figure 11 gets at the intuition behind this: the top panel shows the total variability in the outcome variable \(y\) - for each datapoint we see the distance from the mean of y. These distances can be split into the bit from the mean to the model predicted value (seen in the bottom left panel of Figure 11), and the bit from that value to the actual value (bottom right panel).

Each term can be quantified by a sum of squares:

\[ \begin{aligned} SS_{Total} &= SS_{Model} + SS_{Residual} \\ \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \bar y)^2 &= \sum_{i=1}^n (\hat y_i - \bar y)^2 + \sum_{i=1}^n (y_i - \hat y_i)^2 \\ \quad \\ \text{Where:} \\ & y_i = \text{observed value} \\ &\bar{y} = \text{mean} \\ & \hat{y}_i = \text{model predicted value} \\ \end{aligned} \]

Figure 11: Total Sums of Squares = Model Sums of Squares + Residual Sums of Squares


A useful statistic is the \(R^2\), which shows us the proportion of the total variability in the outcome (y) that is explained by the linear relationship with the predictor (x).

The \(R^2\) coefficient is defined as the proportion of the total variability in the outcome variable which is explained by our model:
\[ R^2 = \frac{SS_{Model}}{SS_{Total}} = 1 - \frac{SS_{Residual}}{SS_{Total}} \]

We can find the \(R^2\) easily in the summary() of the model!


lm(formula = y ~ x, data = my_data)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-2.4383 -0.6593  0.1075  0.5945  2.1867 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  1.54277    0.32005   4.820 5.24e-06 ***
x            0.77952    0.09959   7.827 5.92e-12 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 0.9308 on 98 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.3847,    Adjusted R-squared:  0.3784 
F-statistic: 61.26 on 1 and 98 DF,  p-value: 5.918e-12

The output of summary() displays the R-squared value in the following line:

Multiple R-squared:  0.3847

For the moment, ignore “Adjusted R-squared”. We will come back to this later on.

Approximately 38% of the total variability in y is explained by the linear association with x.

Optional - Manual calculation of R-Squared

The \(F\) Statistic

This will become more relevant in coming weeks, but we can also perform a test to investigate if the model is ‘useful’ — that is, a test to see if the explanatory variable is a useful predictor of the outcome.
We test the following hypotheses:

\[ \begin{aligned} H_0 &: \text{the model is ineffective, } b_1 = 0 \\ H_1 &: \text{the model is effective, } b_1 \neq 0 \end{aligned} \] :::sticky The relevant test-statistic is the F-statistic, which uses “Mean Squares” (these are Sums of Squares divided by the relevant degrees of freedom)

\[ \begin{split} F = \frac{MS_{Model}}{MS_{Residual}} = \frac{SS_{Model} / 1}{SS_{Residual} / (n-2)} \end{split} \]

which compares the average amount of variation in the response explained by the model to the average amount of variation explained by the residuals.

The sample F-statistic is compared to an F-distribution with \(df_{1} = 1\) and \(df_{2} = n - 2\) degrees of freedom.3

Optional: Another formula for the F-test.


Like the \(R^2\), the summary() of our model prints out the \(F\)-statistic, degrees of freedom, and p-value. These are right at the bottom of the summary output, printed as:

F-statistic: 61.26 on 1 and 98 DF,  p-value: 5.918e-12

The F-test of model utility was significant (\(F(1,98) = 61.26,\ p <.001\)) suggesting that the model is effective in explaining variance in outcome \(y\).

Note that the p-value here is exactly the same as the one for the coefficient. This is because in testing “the model is (in)effective”, the “model” is really only the relationship between the outcome and our one predictor. When we move to adding more predictors into our model, we have more \(b\)’s, and the \(F\)-test will be testing jointly whether \(b_1 = b_2 =\ ...\ = b_k = 0\).

Optional: With only one predictor variable, the F-test is equivalent to the t-test of the slope

Binary Predictors

Let’s suppose that instead of having measured \(x\) so accurately, we simply had information on whether \(x>3\) or not. Our predictor variable would be binary categorical (think back to our discussion of types of data in 2A: Measurement) - it would have 2 levels:

my_data <- 
  my_data %>% 
    x_cat = ifelse(x < 3, "level1","level2")

We may then plot our relationship as a boxplot. If you want to see the individual points, you could always “jitter” them (right-hand plot below)

ggplot(my_data, aes(x = x_cat, y = y)) + 
  geom_boxplot() +
ggplot(my_data, aes(x = x_cat, y = y)) + 
  geom_jitter(height=0, width=.05)

Binary predictors in linear regression

We can include categorical predictors in a linear regression, but the interpretation of the coefficients is very specific. Whereas we talked about coefficients being interpreted as “the change in \(y\) associated with a 1-unit increase in \(x\)”, for categorical explanatory variables, coefficients can be considered to examine differences in group means. However, they are actually doing exactly the same thing - the model is simply translating the levels (like “Level1”/“Level2”, or “Yes”/“No”, or “High”/“Low”) in to 0s and 1s!
So while we may have in our dataframe a categorical predictor like the middle column “x_cat”, below, what is inputted into our model is more like the third column, “isLevel2”.

# A tibble: 100 × 3
       y x_cat  isLevel2
   <dbl> <chr>     <dbl>
 1  5.90 level2        1
 2  4.82 level2        1
 3  5.70 level2        1
 4  4.81 level2        1
 5  2.42 level1        0
 6  3.82 level1        0
 7  3.88 level1        0
 8  5.57 level2        1
 9  6.25 level2        1
10  3.51 level2        1
# ℹ 90 more rows

Our coefficients are just the same as before. The intercept is where our predictor equals zero, and the slope is the change in our outcome variable associated with a 1-unit change in our predictor.

However, “zero” for this predictor variable now corresponds to a whole level. This is known as the “reference level”. So the intercept is the estimated mean of \(y\) when x_cat == "level1" (it will default to alphabetical, so “level1” will be treated as zero). Accordingly, the 1-unit change in our predictor (the move from “zero” to “one”) corresponds to the estimated change in mean of \(y\) when moving from “level1” to “level2” (i.e. the difference between the two levels).


All our work here is in aim of making models of the world.

  • Models are models. They are simplifications. They are therefore wrong.
  • Our residuals ( \(y - \hat{y}\) ) reflect everything that we don’t account for in our model.
  • In an ideal world, our model accounts for all the systematic relationships. The leftovers (our residuals) are just random noise.
  • If our model is mis-specified, or we don’t measure some systematic relationship, then our residuals will reflect this.
    We check by examining how much “like randomness” the residuals appear to be (zero mean, normally distributed, constant variance, i.i.d (“independent and identically distributed”). These ideas tend to get referred to as our “assumptions”.
  • While we will never know whether our residuals contain only randomness (we can never observe everything), our ability to generalise from the model we fit on sample data to the wider population relies on these assumptions.

Assumptions in a nutshell

In using linear regression, we have assumptions about our model in that we assume that modelling the outcome variable as a linear combination of the explanatory variables is an appropriate thing to do.
We also make certain assumptions about what we have left out of our model - the errors component.

Specifically, we assume that our errors have “zero mean and constant variance”.

  • mean of the residuals = zero across the predicted values on the linear predictor.
  • spread of residuals is normally distributed and constant across the predicted values on the linear predictor.
What does it look like?

What does it not look like?

Assumptions in R

We can get a lot of plots for this kind of thing by using plot(model)

Here’s what it looks like for a nice neat model:


  • Top Left: For the Residuals vs Fitted plot, we want the red line to be horizontal at close to zero across the plot. We don’t want the residuals (the points) to be fanning in/out.
  • Top Right: For the Normal Q-Q plot, we want the residuals (the points) to follow closely to the diagonal line, indicating that they are relatively normally distributed (QQplots plot the values against the associated percentiles of the normal distribution. So if we had ten values, it would order them lowest to highest, then plot them on the y against the 10th, 20th, 30th.. and so on percentiles of the standard normal distribution (mean 0, SD 1)).
  • Bottom Left: For the Scale-Location plot, we want the red line to be horizontal across the plot. These plots allow us to examine the extent to which the variance of the residuals changes accross the fitted values. If it is angled, we are likely to see fanning in/out of the points in the residuals vs fitted plot.
  • Bottom Right: The Residuals vs Leverage plot indicates points that might be of individual interest as they may be unduly influencing the model. There are funnel-shaped lines that will appear on this plot for messier data (not visible above as the data is too neat!), ideally, the further the residual is to the right, the closer to the 0 we want it to be. We’ll look at this in more depth in a future reading.


Research Question: Is perceptual speed associated with age?

The data for this example contains a sample of 130 participants all of whom are over the age of 65, with ages ranging from 67 to 88. All participants completed a short task measuring Perceptual Speed and Accuracy that scores from 0 to 50.

The data are accessible at https://uoepsy.github.io/data/usmr_percept1.csv.


percdat <- read_csv("https://uoepsy.github.io/data/usmr_percept1.csv")

Some visualisations:

plt1 <- 
  ggplot(percdat, aes(x = percept)) + 
  geom_density() +
  geom_boxplot(width = 1/300)

plt2 <- 
  ggplot(percdat, aes(x = age)) + 
  geom_density() +
  geom_boxplot(width = 1/80)

plt3 <- ggplot(percdat, aes(x = age, y = percept)) + 

(plt1 + plt2) / plt3


p_model <- lm(percept ~ age, data = percdat)

lm(formula = percept ~ age, data = percdat)

    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-23.771  -7.665   1.076   6.857  25.619 

            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  77.2111    21.8240   3.538 0.000563 ***
age          -0.6951     0.2820  -2.465 0.015017 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Residual standard error: 10.93 on 128 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared:  0.04533,   Adjusted R-squared:  0.03787 
F-statistic: 6.077 on 1 and 128 DF,  p-value: 0.01502


These plots don’t look too bad to me. The Residuals vs Fitted plot looks like a random cloud of points (which is good). The residuals look relatively normally distributed (see the QQ plot), and apart from at the lower end of the fitted values, the variance is fairly constant across (see the Scale-Location plot) - this may be due to scarcity of data from younger people.



(Intercept)         age 
 77.2111245  -0.6951299 
  • (Intercept): For someone of age zero, the estimated average score on the Perceptual Speed task is 77.2
  • age: For each additional year of age, the estimated average score on the task is -0.695 points lower.

Note the intercept isn’t very useful here at all. It estimates the score for a newborn (who wouldn’t be able to complete the task anyway). Furthermore, it estimates a score of 77, when the task only scores up to 50. This is because these models are linear, so the lines just keep on going outside of the range.

[1] 0.04532774
  • age explains approximately 4.5% of the variance in scores of the perceptual speed task.


There are lots of ways to visualise models, and lots of packages that are designed to help us.
One such useful package:

           type = "eff",
           show.data = TRUE)

Optional: If we want to do it manually


The same package (sjPlot) provides some nice quick ways to create regression tables (a bit like what we get from summary(model), only presented a lot more nicely!)

Predictors Estimates CI p
(Intercept) 77.21 34.03 – 120.39 0.001
age -0.70 -1.25 – -0.14 0.015
Observations 130
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.045 / 0.038

Writing up

A total of 130 participants were included in the analysis, with ages ranging from 67 to 88 (Mean = 77.3, sd = 3.4). On average, participants scored 23.5 (SD = 11.1) on the perceptual speed task.

A simple linear regression model was fitted, with scores on the perceptual speed task regressed on to age. A significant association was found, with scores on the task decreasing by -0.7 with every year of age (\(b = -0.695\), \(SE = 0.28\), \(t(128)=-2.47\), \(p = 0.015\)), suggesting that perception may get worse in older age.


  1. Recall that a standard error gives a numerical answer to the question of how variable a statistic will be because of random sampling.↩︎

  2. Why \(n-2\)? The most intuitive answer is that we have already used up 2 pieces of information in estimating the intercept and the slope. Once these things are fixed, \(n-2\) of the datapoints could be wherever they like around that line, but the remaining 2 must be placed in such a way that results in that line↩︎

  3. \(SS_{Total}\) has \(n - 1\) degrees of freedom as one degree of freedom is lost in estimating the population mean with the sample mean \(\bar{y}\). \(SS_{Residual}\) has \(n - 2\) degrees of freedom. There are \(n\) residuals, but two degrees of freedom are lost in estimating the intercept and slope of the line used to obtain the \(\hat y_i\)s. Hence, by difference, \(SS_{Model}\) has \(n - 1 - (n - 2) = 1\) degree of freedom.↩︎