Multivariate Statistics & Methodology using R

Course description

Multivariate Statistics and Methodology using R (MSMR) is a semester long course providing an advanced level overview of statistical analysis techniques and methodology issues relevant to psychological research. The course builds on the concepts and skills developed in Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R.

Week Slides Workbook
pre-requisite Course Intro
Install or update R/Rstudio
Extra Exercises: Regression Refresher
Sem 2 Week 1 Introduction to Multilevel Modelling

Chapter 1: Group Structured Data
Chapter 2: The Multi-Level/Mixed-Effects Model
Week 1 Exercises: Intro to MLM
Sem 2 Week 2 Logistic MLM
Longitudinal Data Analysis using MLM

(Optional) Chapter 3: Inference for MLM
Chapter 4: Example Logistic MLM
Chapter 5: Example Longitudinal MLM
Week 2 Exercises: Logistic & Longitudinal MLM
Sem 2 Week 3 Longitudinal Data Analysis using Multilevel Modeling - Nonlinear Change
Chapter 6: Polynomial Growth
Week 3 Exercises: Non-linear change
Sem 2 Week 4 Other Random Effects

Chapter 7: Random Effect Structures
Chapter 8: Model Building
Week 4 Exercises: Nested & Crossed Random Effects
Sem 2 Week 5 Individual Differences

Chapter 9: Assumptions & Diagnostics
Chapter 11: Writing up
Week 5 Exercises
Flexible Learning Week
Sem 2 Week 7 PCA and EFA

7A: PCA (pdf on Learn)
7B: EFA (pdf on Learn)
Week 7 Exercises: PCA and EFA
Sem 2 Week 8 CFA
Sem 2 Week 9 Path Analysis & Mediation
Sem 2 Week 10 SEM I
Sem 2 Week 11 SEM II
