Week 5 Exercises: Assumptions, Diagnostics, Writing up

Video game aggression and the dark triad

Dataset: NGV.csv

These data are from an experiment designed to investigate how the realism of video games is associated with more/less unnecessarily aggressive gameplay, and whether this differs depending upon a) the playing mode (playing on a screen vs VR headset), and b) individual differences in the ‘dark triad’ personality traits.

The experiment involved playing 10 levels of a game in which the objective was to escape a maze. Various obstacles and other characters were present throughout the maze, and players could interact with these by side-stepping or jumping over them, or by pushing or shooting at them. All of these actions took the same amount of effort to complete (pressing a button), and each one achieved the same end (moving beyond the obstacle and being able to continue through the maze).

Each participant completed all 10 levels twice, once in which all characters were presented as cartoons, and once in which all characters were presented as realistic humans and animals. The layout of the level was identical in both, the only difference being the depiction of objects and characters. For each participant, these 20 levels (\(2 \times 10\) mazes) were presented in a random order. Half of the participants played via a screen, and the other half played via a VR headset. For each level played, we have a record of “needless game violence” (NGV) which was calculated via the number of aggressive (pushing/shooting) actions taken (+0.5 for every action that missed an object, +1 for every action aimed at an inanimate object, and +2 for every action aimed at an animate character).
Prior to the experiment, each participant completed the Short Dark Triad 3 (SD-3), which measures the three traits of machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy.

Dataset: https://uoepsy.github.io/data/NGV.csv

variable description
PID Participant number
age Participant age (years)
level Maze level (1 to 10)
character Whether the objects and characters in the level were presented as 'cartoon' or as 'realistic'
mode Whether the participant played via a screen or with a VR headset
P Psycopathy Trait from SD-3 (score 1-5)
N Narcissism Trait from SD-3 (score 1-5)
M Machiavellianism Trait from SD-3 (score 1-5)
NGV Needless Game Violence metric
Question 1

Conduct an analysis to address the research aims!

  • There’s a lot to unpack in the research aim: “how the realism of video games is associated with more/less unnecessarily aggressive gameplay, and whether this differs depending upon a) the playing mode (playing on a screen vs VR headset), and b) individual differences in the ‘dark triad’ personality traits.”

Question 2

Check the assumptions of your model

We have a multilevel model, so we have assumptions at multiple levels! See Chapter 9 #mlm-assumptions-diagnostics.

Be careful - QQplots with few datapoints can make things look weirder than they are - try a histogram too

Question 3

Check the extent to which your results may be sensitive to certain influential observations, or participants, or levels!

See Chapter 9 #influence for two packages that can assess influence.

All the datasets!

The link below will take you to a page with all the datasets that we have seen across the readings and exercises, as well as a few extra ones that should be new! For each one, there is a quick explanation of the study design which also details the research aims of the project.

Pick one of the datasets and:

  1. explore the data, and do any required cleaning (most of them are clean already)
  2. conduct an analysis to address the research aims
  3. write a short description of the sample data (see Chapter 11 #the-sample-data)
  4. write a short explanation of your methods (see Chapter 11 #the-methods)
  5. write a short summary of your results, along with suitable visualisations and tables (see Chapter 11 #the-results)
  6. Post some of your writing on Piazza and we can collectively discuss it!

If you like, work on this as a group - set up a google doc to collaboratively write together (it’s much more fun that way!)