variable | description |
age | Age in years of respondent |
outdoor_time | Self report estimated number of hours per week spent outdoors |
social_int | Self report estimated number of social interactions per week (both online and in-person) |
routine | Binary 1=Yes/0=No response to the question 'Do you follow a daily routine throughout the week?' |
wellbeing | Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Wellbeing Scale (WEMWBS), a self-report measure of mental health and well-being. The scale is scored by summing responses to each item, with items answered on a 1 to 5 Likert scale. The minimum scale score is 14 and the maximum is 70 |
location | Location of primary residence (City, Suburb, Rural) |
steps_k | Average weekly number of steps in thousands (as given by activity tracker if available) |
Multiple Linear Regression & Standardization
Learning Objectives
At the end of this lab, you will:
- Extend the ideas of single linear regression to consider regression models with two or more predictors
- Understand how to interpret significance tests for \(\beta\) coefficients
- Understand how to standardize model coefficients and when this is appropriate to do
- Understand how to interpret standardized model coefficients in multiple linear regression models
Required R Packages
Remember to load all packages within a code chunk at the start of your RMarkdown file using library()
. If you do not have a package and need to install, do so within the console using install.packages(" ")
. For further guidance on installing/updating packages, see Section C here.
For this lab, you will need to load the following package(s):
- tidyverse
- patchwork
- sjPlot
- ppcor
- kableExtra
Presenting Results
All results should be presented following APA guidelines.If you need a reminder on how to hide code, format tables/plots, etc., make sure to review the rmd bootcamp.
The example write-up sections included as part of the solutions are not perfect - they instead should give you a good example of what information you should include and how to structure this. Note that you must not copy any of the write-ups included below for future reports - if you do, you will be committing plagiarism, and this type of academic misconduct is taken very seriously by the University. You can find out more here.
Lab Data
You can download the data required for this lab here or read it in via this link
Study Overview
Research Question
Is there an association between wellbeing and time spent outdoors after taking into account the association between wellbeing and social interactions?
- Create a new RMarkdown file
- Load the required package(s)
- Read the wellbeing dataset into R, assigning it to an object named
In the first section of this lab, you will focus on the statistics contained within the highlighted sections of the summary()
output below. You will be both calculating these by hand and deriving via R
code before interpreting these values in the context of the research question following APA guidelines. In the second section of this lab, you will focus on standardization. We will be building on last weeks lab example throughout these exercises.
Lab 2 Recap
Fit the following multiple linear regression model, and assign the output to an object called mdl
, and examine the summary output.
\[ \text{Wellbeing} = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \cdot Social~Interactions + \beta_2 \cdot Outdoor~Time + \epsilon \]
Significance Tests for \(\beta\) Coefficients
Test the hypothesis that the population slope for outdoor time is zero — that is, that there is no linear association between wellbeing and outdoor time (after controlling for the number of social interactions) in the population.
Recall the formula for obtaining a test statistic:
A test statistic for the null hypothesis \(H_0: \beta_j = 0\) is \[ t = \frac{\hat \beta_j - 0}{SE(\hat \beta_j)} \] which follows a \(t\)-distribution with \(n-k-1\) degrees of freedom (where \(k\) = number of predictors and \(n\) = sample size).
Obtain 95% confidence intervals for the regression coefficients, and write a sentence about each one.
Recall the formula for obtaining a confidence interval:
A confidence interval for the population slope is \[ \hat \beta_j \pm t^* \cdot SE(\hat \beta_j) \] where \(t^*\) denotes the critical value chosen from t-distribution with \(n-k-1\) degrees of freedom (where \(k\) = number of predictors and \(n\) = sample size) for a desired \(\alpha\) level of confidence.
Fit two regression models using the standardized response and explanatory variables. For demonstration purposes, fit one model using z-scored variables, and the other using the scale()
Both of these methods - z-scoring and scale()
- will give us a standardized model.
Add to the “mwdata” dataset three variables called z_wellbeing
, z_social_int
, and z_outdoor_time
representing the standardized welllbeing, social interactions and outdoor time variables, respectively.
Recall the formula for the \(z\)-score: \[ z_x = \frac{x - \bar{x}}{s_x}, \qquad z_y = \frac{y - \bar{y}}{s_y} \]
Use the scale()
function when specifying your lm()
Examine the estimates from both standardized models - what do you notice?
Examine the ‘Coefficients’ section of the summary()
output from the standardized and unstandardized models - what do you notice? In other words, what is the same / different?
How do these standardized estimates relate to the semi-partial correlation coefficients?
Produce a visualisation of the association between wellbeing and outdoor time, after accounting for social interactions.
Semi-partial (part) correlation coefficient
To calculate semi-partial (part) correlation coefficients, you will need to use the spcor.test()
from the ppcor package.
Recall that you can look at the estimates from either ‘mdl_s’ or ‘mdl_z’ - they contain the same standardized model estimates.
To visualise just one association, you need to specify the terms
argument in plot_model()
. Don’t forget you can look up the documentation by typing ?plot_model
in the console.
Since using plot_model()
, We need to use ‘mdl_z’ here not ‘mdl_s’ - it won’t work with a model that’s used the scale()
Plot the data and the fitted regression line from both the unstandardized and standardized models. To do so, for each model:
- Extract the estimated regression coefficients e.g., via
betas <- coef(mdl)
- Extract the first entry of
(i.e., the intercept) viabetas[1]
- Extract the second entry of
(i.e., the slope) viabetas[2]
- Provide the intercept and slope to the function
Note down what you observe from the plots - what is the same / different?
This is very similar to Lab 1 Q7.
Extracting values
The function coef()
returns a vector (a sequence of numbers all of the same type). To get the first element of the sequence you append [1]
, and [2]
for the second.
In your ggplot()
, you will need to specify geom_abline()
. This might help get you started:
geom_abline(intercept = intercept, slope = slope)
You may also want to plot these side by side to more easily compare, so consider using |
from patchwork.
Writing Up & Presenting Results
Provide key model results from the standardized model in a formatted table.
Interpret the results from the standardized model the context of the research question.
Make reference to the your regression table.
Remember to inform the reader of the scale of your variables.
Compile Report
Knit your report to PDF, and check over your work. To do so, you should make sure:
- Only the output you want your reader to see is visible (e.g., do you want to hide your code?)
- Check that the tinytex package is installed
- Ensure that the ‘yaml’ (bit at the very top of your document) looks something like this:
title: "this is my report title"
author: "B1234506"
date: "07/09/2024"
output: bookdown::pdf_document2
If you are having issues knitting directly to PDF, try the following:
- Knit to HTML file
- Open your HTML in a web-browser (e.g. Chrome, Firefox)
- Print to PDF (Ctrl+P, then choose to save to PDF)
- Open file to check formatting
To not show the code of an R code chunk, and only show the output, write:
```{r, echo=FALSE}
# code goes here
To show the code of an R code chunk, but hide the output, write:
```{r, results='hide'}
# code goes here
To hide both code and output of an R code chunk, write:
```{r, include=FALSE}
# code goes here
You must make sure you have tinytex installed in R so that you can “Knit” your Rmd document to a PDF file: