Formative report B

Semester 1 - Week 11

1 Formative Report B

Instructions and data were released in week 7.

This week: Submission of Formative Report B
  • Your group must submit one PDF file for formative report B by 12 noon on Friday 29th of November 2024.
    • No extensions are possible for group-based reports, see “Assessment Information” page on LEARN.
    • To submit, go to the course Learn page > click “Assessment” > click “Submit Formative Report B (PDF file only)”.
    • Only one person per group is required to submit on behalf of the entire group. Once submitted, let your group know on the Group Discussion Space. The other members in the group don’t have to do anything else.
    • Ensure that everyone in the group has joined the group on LEARN. Otherwise, you won’t see the feedback.
    • If more than one submission is made per group, only the most recent one will be considered.
  • The submitted report must be a PDF file of max 6 sides of A4 paper.
    • Keep the default settings in terms of Rmd knitting font and page margins.
    • Ensure your report title includes the group name: Group NAME.LETTER
    • In the author section, ensure the report lists the exam numbers of all group members: B000001, B000002, …
  • At the end of the file, you will place the appendices and these will not count towards the six-page limit.
    • You can include an optional appendix for additional tables and figures which you can’t fit in the main part of the report;

    • You must include a compulsory appendix listing all of the R code used in the report. This is done automatically if you end your file with the following section, which is already included in the template Rmd file:

      # Appendix: R code
      ```{r ref.label=knitr::all_labels(), echo=TRUE, eval=FALSE}
    • Excluding the Appendix, the report should not include any reference to R code or functions, but be written for a generic reader who is only assumed to have a basic statistical understanding without any R knowledge.

  • In Week 12 (next week)
    • There will be no lectures
    • There will be no labs
    • There will be no weekly quiz
    • Solutions to Formative Report B will be posted on LEARN as study material.
    • At the end of week 12, we will send an announcement when we will have finished providing feedback on your submissions.
Formatting resources

At this page you can find resources to help you with your report formatting.

1.1 Tasks

For formative report B, you will be asked to perform the following tasks, each related to a week of teaching in this course.
This week’s task is highlighted in bold below. Please only focus on completing that task this week. In the next section, you will also find the guided sub-steps that you need to consider to complete this week’s task.

B1) Create a new categorical variable, Rating, taking the value ‘Good’ if the audience score is > 50, and ‘Bad’ otherwise. Inspect and describe the joint probability distribution of movie genre and rating.
B2) Investigate if a movie receiving a good rating is independent of the genre.
B3) Computing and plotting probabilities with a binomial distribution.
B4) Computing and plotting probabilities with a normal distribution.
B5) Finish the report write-up and formatting, knit to PDF, and submit the PDF for formative feedback.

1.2 B5 sub-tasks

This week you will only focus on task B5. Below there are sub-steps you need to consider to complete task B5.


To see the hints, hover your cursor on the superscript numbers.

  • Reopen last week’s Rmd file, and continue building on last week’s work. Make sure you are still using the movies dataset filtered to only include the top 3 genres.1
  • Did you install tinytex? If yes, go to the next bullet point. If not, check the hint. This package is required to compile an Rmd file into a PDF for submission.2
  • Organise the report to have the following structure:

    • Introduction:

      • What are the data that you are analysing (i.e. give a brief intro) and where can these be found?
      • Which questions of interest are you investigating in the report?
      • Which variables will you use to answer those questions and what do those variables represent?
      • What is the type of these variables?
      • Are there any missing values in these variables?
    • Analysis: Present and interpret your results. This section should only contain text, figures, and tables. No R code or R output printout should be visible.

    • Discussion: Summarise the key findings from the analysis section, and provide take-home messages that directly answer the questions of interest. Link your answers to the questions detailed in the introduction. No new statistical results should be presented in the discussion.

    • Appendix A (optional): For additional figures and tables that don’t fit in the page limit. Any figures/tables presented here should be referenced in the main part of the report and have a caption. Appendix A doesn’t count in the page limit.

    • Appendix B (compulsory): Presents all the R code used. This is automatically created for you if you used the template Rmd file. If you haven’t copy and paste that section from the template into your file. Appendix B doesn’t count in the page limit.

  • Edit your figures/tables formatting as required to ensure that your report meets the page limit.

Formatting resources

At this page you can find resources to help you with your report formatting.

  • Knit the document to PDF: click File > Knit Document.
Successful knitting checklist

If you encounter errors when knitting the Rmd file, go through the following checklist to try finding the source of the errors.

  • Submit the PDF file on Learn by 12 noon on Friday 29th November 2024:
    • Go to the Learn page of the course
    • Click Assessments
    • Click Submit Formative Report B (PDF file only)
    • Follow the instructions
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  1. Hint: access the Rmd file from the Group Discussion Space.
    If last week’s driver hasn’t uploaded it yet, please ask them to share it with the group via the Group Discussion Space, email, or Teams.

    To download the file from the server, go to the RStudio Files pane, tick the box next to the Rmd file, and select More > Export.↩︎

  2. Installing tinytex. Copy the line below and paste it into the console:


    press Enter. Copy and paste the line below into the console:


    press Enter. Type Y and press Enter again.↩︎