Exercises: Interactions!

Processing a hangover

Dataset: hangover_speed.csv

How is hours of sleep associated with processing speed? Is this dependent upon whether or not alcohol was consumed the previous night? 107 participants completed the Symbol Digit Modalities Task (SDMT), a measure of processing speed. Participants also recorded how many hours they had slept the previous night (to the nearest 15 mins), and whether or not they had consumed alcohol.

The dataset is available at https://uoepsy.github.io/data/hangover_speed.csv.

variable description
hrs_sleep hours slept the previous night (to the nearest 15 mins)
alc was alcohol consumed the previous evening? ('y'=yes, 'n'=no)
sdmt score on the Symbol Digit Modalities Task (SDMT), a measure of processing speed (range 0 to 100)
Question 1

Read in the data and provide some simple descriptives.

  • What is the mean score on the SDMT, what is the variability in scores?
  • How many people had alcohol the previous night?
  • How many hours did people sleep on average? Did this vary between the drinkers and the non-drinkers?

Question 2

Make a plot of SDMT predicted by hours slept, and colour the points by whether or not the participants had drank alcohol.

Can you plot a separate lm line on the graph using geom_smooth for each group (alcohol v no alcohol)?

  • to make geom_smooth() fit a linear model (lm), remember to use geom_smooth(method=lm).
  • if you have the grouping in the aes(), then when you add geom_smooth() it should make a different one for each group!

Question 3

Adding a different geom_smooth(method=lm) for each group is just fitting a different model to each groups’ data - i.e. a slope of sdmt~hrs_sleep for the drinkers and a slope for the non-drinkers.

But we actually want to test if the two slopes are different, and for that we need to create one model that includes the appropriate interaction term.

Fit a model to examine whether the association between hrs_sleep and sdmt is different depending upon alcohol consumption.

This is the same logic as the air-pollution & APOE-4 example in 9A #it-depends.

Question 4

Interpret each coefficient from your model.

Our interaction involves a continuous variable (hrs_sleep) and a binary variable (alc). An interpretation of a similar example is in 9A #interpretation.

Question 5

Construct a plot of the model estimated associations between hours-slept and SDMT for drinkers and non-drinkers.

Because we have nothing else in our model, this should end up looking exactly the same as our initial plot in Question 2!

It all follows the same logic as we have used before:

  1. make a dataframe of the values of the predictors that we wish to plot across
  2. using augment(), add to that the predicted values of the model, and the associated confidence intervals
  3. shove it all in ggplot!

Because we are wanting to plot across multiple predictors (i.e. we want to plot across a range of hrs_slept and both values of alc), try using expand_grid().

Play around with this to see what it does:

  continuous = 1:5,
  binary = c("dog","cat","parrot")
# A tibble: 15 × 2
   continuous binary
        <int> <chr> 
 1          1 dog   
 2          1 cat   
 3          1 parrot
 4          2 dog   
 5          2 cat   
 6          2 parrot
 7          3 dog   
 8          3 cat   
 9          3 parrot
10          4 dog   
11          4 cat   
12          4 parrot
13          5 dog   
14          5 cat   
15          5 parrot

If you get stuck, a very similar example is in 9A #visualisation.

Question 6

No one in our dataset has slept zero hours, and i’m probably not interested in differences between drinkers/non-drinkers who never sleep.

Refit the model to adjust the intercept to a more meaningful value. Everyone always goes on about 8 hours of sleep being the minimum?

How has the interpretation of your coefficient(s) changed?

See 9A #mean-centering for an example of mean-centering a predictor in the interaction. Remember that there are multiple ways to do this - you could make a new variable first, or you could do it all inside the model.

The monkeys are back!

Data: ctmtoys.csv

So far, we have analysed the data for two studies (not real!) of the inquisitive nature of monkeys. Initially (week 5 exercises), Archer, Winther & Gandolfi (2024a) investigated age differences in exploration of novel objects, and found that older monkeys spend on average less time playing with a novel object than their younger counterparts (we looked at this with both with the linear effect of age in years, and by comparing adults to juveniles). Following this, in our week 7 exercises Bolton, Archer, Peng, Winther & Gandolfi (2024b) wanted to see if monkeys showed a preference for different types of object (i.e. ones with moving parts vs ones that are soft). They found that, after accounting for differences due to age, monkeys showed a significant preference for toys with moving parts in comparison to soft toys.

The same team of researchers are again asking for our help, and this time with a bigger study, of 107 monkeys. They are interested in whether the preference for mechanical toys over soft toys is different for different species of monkey. Both the previous studies were conducted on Rhesus Macaques (a species that have adapted very well to human dominated landscapes), so this study has re-run the same experiment on 0 Capuchin monkeys, 0 Tamarin monkeys and 0 Macaques.

The aim of this study is to investigate the following question:

Are preferences between soft toys vs mechanical toys different for different species of monkey?

The data is available at https://uoepsy.github.io/data/ctmtoys.csv and contains the variables described in Table 1

Table 1: Data dictionary for ctmtoys.csv
variable description
name Monkey Name
age Age of monkey in years
species Species (capuchin, macaque, tamarin)
obj_type Type of novel object given (mechanical / soft)
obj_colour Main colour of object (red / green / blue)
obj_size Size of object in cm (length of largest dimension of the object)
exptime Time (in minutes) spent exploring the object
Question 7

As always, begin by reading in your data and making some exploratory plots to get an idea of the distributions we’re dealing with.

Question 8

Try making some initial exploratory plots of the relationships in the data that are relevant to the research question.

We’re wanting to plot exploration_time and obj_type here, but we’re also wanting to show it for each species. This means we’ll need things like colours, facets, etc.

Question 9

Fit an appropriate model to address the research question.
Think about what we already know from previous studies - we’ll likely want to control for age and for other aspects of objects like size and colour.

Then think about the specific research question and what is needed to test it.

Question 10

Now that you’ve fitted your model, test the interaction to get an overall answer to “Do species differ in their preference for different types of object?”

Think about how the question is worded - there’s no “how”/“what” etc, it’s just “are there differences?” (this is just the same as we did last week, and in 8B #testing-group-differences - try a model comparison?).

Question 11

We’re almost always going to want to know how species differ in their preferences for different types of object (if they do differ).

To get this information, we can just look at the model coefficients.
Take a look at the interaction coefficients - notice anything that appears to contradict the previous question?

Question 12

Model coefficients are always relative to some reference point (i.e. capuchins with mechanical toys).

  1. Change the reference point to Macaques with soft toys.
  2. Refit the model.
  3. Interpret the coefficients.

Question 13

The interpretation of interaction coefficients tends to be quite confusing, and invariably it helps to tie these to a visualisation. We’re going to do it manually here, because it’s a very useful learning exercise.

Below are our coefficients of interest from the model, when the reference level for obj_type is “soft” and for species is “macaque”.

obj_typemechanical                  3.47317    0.76957   4.513 1.07e-05 ***
speciescapuchin                     5.41843    0.80728   6.712 1.83e-10 ***
speciestamarin                      1.87117    0.80555   2.323  0.02116 *  
obj_typemechanical:speciescapuchin -1.51124    1.11855  -1.351  0.17816    
obj_typemechanical:speciestamarin  -3.05110    1.11480  -2.737  0.00674 ** 

Grab a piece of paper, and draw the points for each species & obj_type combination, relative to the reference point.
Start with the plot below:

Question 14

Okay, now let’s make a plot in R.

Try running this code in pieces to see what each bit does, and then running it all at once to get the plot.

Does it match with what you sketched in the previous question?

effect("obj_type*species",modelmonkey) |>
  as.data.frame() |>
    obj_type = fct_relevel(factor(obj_type), "soft")
  ) |>
  ggplot(aes(x=obj_type, y=fit, col=species)) +

Up to now, when we’ve been plotting our associations of interest we’ve been choosing to construct our plots at the mean of our other predictors.

However, in our current monkey model, we’ve also got a categorical covariate (obj_colour) in our model. What should we do with that?

plotdat <- expand_grid(
  age = mean(ctmtoys$age),
  obj_size = mean(ctmtoys$obj_size),
  obj_colour = ???
  obj_type = c("soft","mechanical"), # of interest
  species = c("macaque","capuchin","tamarin") # of interest

We could:

  1. choose just one colour to plot it at
  2. make separate plots to each colour
  3. plot the association of interest holding the colours at their proportions

To achieve a) or b), we can use the strategy we have been using already (make a little dataframe, use augment etc).

However, to achieve c), it is easiest to use something like the effect() function from the effects package. This will also come in handy next semester, as we will use it for plotting effects from more complex models.

Teamwork and Communication

Dataset: teamprod.csv

A company has recently decided to move towards having more structured team-based projects for its employees, rather than giving individual projects. They want better understanding what makes teams work well together. Specifically, they want to know whether the amount of communication in a team is associated with better quality work, and if this is different depending upon the teams’ ‘collective efficacy’ (their belief in their ability to do the work)?

They have collected data on 80 teams. Prior to starting the projects, each team completed a questionnaire measuring ‘collective efficacy’ (the teams’ belief in their ability to succeed at their project), and ‘collective experience’ (a measure of how much relevant experience the team has). At the end of the projects, each team’s work was rated across various measures (timeliness, quality, relevance etc) to provide a metric of ‘work quality’. In addition, information was gathered on the volume of each teams’ communication (via the company’s workspace chat platform).

The data is available at https://uoepsy.github.io/data/teamqual.csv

variable description
team_id Team ID
commvol Volume of communication (avg messages per day)
exp Prior experience (Z-scored)
colleff Collective Efficacy measure of team's belief in ability to succeed (range 0 - 70)
work_qual Work Quality measure (metric based on timeliness, quality, relevance etc). Ranges 0 to Infinity
Question 15

Below, we have provided a regression table, a plot, and a written paragraph.

There are lots of mistakes in the writing (both mismatching numbers and errors in interpretation). Note down as many errors as you can find.
Feel free to read in the data yourself to play around.


  work qual
Predictors Estimates std. Error Statistic p
(Intercept) -25.29 15.21 -1.66 0.100
exp 0.87 2.05 0.42 0.674
commvol 2.69 0.45 6.04 <0.001
colleff 1.60 0.44 3.63 0.001
commvol × colleff -0.04 0.01 -2.63 0.010
Observations 80
R2 / R2 adjusted 0.603 / 0.582



Work quality was modelled using multiple regression. Team experience (Z-scored), Communication volume (messages per day) and Collective efficacy (Z-scored) were included as predictors, along with the interaction between communication and collective efficacy. The model explained 80% of the variance in work-quality scores. More experienced teams were found to produce significantly better quality work (\(\beta=0.82, t(74)=0.4, p>.05\)). Volume of communication was significantly associated with work quality (\(\beta=2.68, t(75)=6.17, p<.001\)), suggesting that teams that communicate more produced better quality work. Collective efficacy was also significantly associated with work quality (\(\beta=1.59, t(75)=3.64, p<.001\)), indicating that better quality work will be produced by a team that has collective efficacy (compared to those that do not). A significant interaction (\(\beta=-0.03, t=2.68, p < .09\)) was found between volume of communication and collective efficacy, suggesting that these two predictors are related. Overall these results suggest that for teams that have more collective efficacy, communication is more important in producing quality work.