Testing Statistical Hypotheses

Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R

Martin Corley

Psychology, PPLS

University of Edinburgh

Probability and the Normal Curve

More about Height

  • imagine that we know all about the heights of a population

  • mean height (\(\bar{x}\)) is 170; standard deviation (\(\sigma\)) is 12

curve(dnorm(x, 170, 12),
    from = 120, to = 220)

How Unusual is Casper?

  • in his socks, Casper is 198 cm tall

  • how likely would we be to find someone Casper’s height in our population?

How Unusual is Casper (Take 2)?

  • in his socks, Casper is 198 cm tall

  • how likely would we be to find someone Casper’s height or more in our population?

  • the area is 0.0098

  • so the probability of finding someone in our population of Casper’s height or greater is .0098 (or, \(p=.0098\) )

Area under the Curve

  • so now we know that the area under the curve can be used to quantify probability

  • but how do we calculate area under the curve?

  • luckily, R has us covered, using (in this case) the pnorm() function

pnorm(198, mean = 170, sd = 12,
    lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.009815


  • we kind of knew that Casper was tall
  • it made sense to ask what the likelihood of finding someone 198 cm or greater was

  • this is called a one-tailed hypothesis (we’re not expecting Casper to be well below average height!)

Tailedness (2)

  • often our hypothesis might be vaguer
  • we expect Casper to be “different”, but we’re not sure how

2 * pnorm(198, 170, 12,
    lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.01963
  • we can capture this using a two-tailed hypothesis

So: Is Casper Special?

  • how surprised should we be that Casper is 198 cm tall?

  • given the population he’s in, the probability that he’s 28cm or more taller than the mean of 170 is .0098

    • NB., this is according to a one-tailed hypothesis
  • a more accurate way of saying this is that .0098 is the probability of selecting him (or someone even taller than him) from our population at random

A Judgement Call

  • if a 1% probability is small enough

  • if a 1% chance doesn’t impress us much

  • in either case, we have nothing (mathematical) to say about the reasons for Casper’s height

Group Means

Investment Strategies

The Playmo Investors’ Circle have been pursuing a special investment strategy over the past year. By no means everyone has made a profit. Is the strategy worth advertising to others?

About the Investments

  • there are 12 investors

  • the mean profit is £11.98

  • the standard deviation is £20.14

  • the standard error is \(\sigma/\sqrt{12}\) which is 5.81

  • we are interested in the probability of 12 people (from the same population) making at least a mean £11.98 profit

Using Standard Error

  • together with the mean, the standard error describes a normal distribution

  • “likely distribution of means for other samples of 12”

Using Standard Error (2)

  • last time, our null hypothesis (“most likely outcome”) was “Casper is of average height”

  • this time, our null hypothesis is “there was no profit”

  • easiest way to operationalize this:

    • “the average profit was zero”
  • so redraw the normal curve with the same standard error and a mean of zero

Using Standard Error (3)

the curve we would obtain if nothing of interest had happened in a world which was as variable as the one we measured

Using Standard Error (4)

  • null hypothesis: \(\mu=0\)

  • probability of making a mean profit of £11.98 or more:

    • one-tailed hypothesis

    • evaluated as relevant area under the curve

se = sd(profit)/sqrt(12)

pnorm(mean(profit), mean = 0,
    sd = se, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.01969

The Standardized Version

  • last week we talked about the standard normal curve
    • mean = 0; standard deviation = 1

\[z_i = \frac{x_i - \bar{x}}{\sigma}\]

  • our investors’ curve is very easy to transform

  • subtract 0; divide by standard error

The Standardized Version (2)

pnorm(mean(profit)/se, mean = 0,
    sd = 1, lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.01969
  • mean(profit)/se = 2.06
    • “number of standard errors from zero”

  • you can take any mean (\(\bar{x}\)) and se, and produce “number of standard errors from zero”

    • \(z=\bar{x}/\textrm{se}\)

The Standard Normal Curve

  • \(z=\bar{x}/\textrm{se}\)

  • the point of the calculation is to compare to the standard normal curve

  • made “looking up probability” easier in the days of printed tables

  • usual practice is to refer to standardised statistics

    • the name chosen for them comes from the relevant distribution
  • \(z\) is assessed using the normal distribution

Which Means…

  • for \(z=2.06\), \(p=.0197\)

if you picked 12 people at random from the population of investors we sampled from, and the population were making no profit overall, there would be, roughly, a 2% chance that the 12 would have an average profit of £11.98 or more

  • is 2% low enough for you to believe that our investors’ mean profit wasn’t due to chance?

    • again, it’s a judgement call

    • but before we make that judgement…

The \(t\)-test

A Small Confession

part 2 wasn’t entirely true

  • all of the principles are correct, but for smaller \(n\) the normal curve isn’t the best estimate

  • for that we use the \(t\) distribution

The \(t\) Distribution

“A. Student”, or William Sealy Gossett

  • the shape changes according to degrees of freedom, hence \(t(11)\)

The \(t\) Distribution

  • conceptually, the \(t\) distribution increases uncertainty when the sample is small

    • the probability of more extreme values is slightly higher
  • exact shape of distribution depends on sample size

  • the degrees of freedom are inherited from the standard error

\[ \textrm{se} = \frac{\sigma}{\sqrt{n}} = \frac{\sqrt{\frac{\sum{(\bar{x}-x)^2}}{\color{red}{n-1}}}}{\sqrt{n}} \]

Using the \(t\) Distribution

  • in part 2,mean profit was £11.98; standard error was 5.81

  • we used the formula \(z=\bar{x}/\textrm{se}\) to calculate \(z\), and the standard normal curve to calculate probability

  • the formula for \(t\) is the same as the formula for \(z\)

    • what differs is the distribution we are using to calculate probability

    • we need to know the degrees of freedom (to get the right \(t\)-curve)

  • so \(t(\textrm{df}) = \bar{x}/\textrm{se}\)

\(t\) and Probability

  • for 12 people who made a mean profit of £11.98 with an se of 5.8148

  • \(t(11) = 11.98/5.81 = 2.06\)

  • instead of pnorm() we use pt() for the \(t\) distribution

  • pt() requires the degrees of freedom

pt(mean(profit)/se, df = 11,
    lower.tail = FALSE)
[1] 0.03192

the chance that 12 random investors from our population show a mean profit of £11.98 or more is actually around 3%

Did We Have to Do All That Work?

[1]  15.76  -0.83  -3.07  26.43 -10.00  11.09
t.test(profit, mu = 0, alternative = "greater")

    One Sample t-test

data:  profit
t = 2.1, df = 11, p-value = 0.03
alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 1.537   Inf
sample estimates:
mean of x 
  • one-sample \(t\)-test

  • compares a single sample against a hypothetical mean (mu)

    • usually zero

Types of Hypothesis

t.test(profit, mu=0, alternative = "greater")
  • note the use of alternative = "greater"

  • we’ve talked about the null hypothesis (also H0)

    • there is no profit (mean profit = 0)
  • the alternative hypothesis (H1, experimental hypothesis) is the hypothesis we’re interested in

    • here, that the profit is reliably £11.98 or more (one-tailed hypothesis)
  • could also use alternative = "less" or alternative = "two.sided"

Experiments Involve Differences

  • but of course “profit” is a difference between paired samples
before after profit
£362.68 £378.44 £15.76
£370.28 £369.45 −£0.83
£165.38 £162.31 −£3.07
£633.64 £660.07 £26.43
£579.65 £569.65 −£10.00
£314.22 £325.31 £11.09
  • doesn’t matter whether values are approx. normal as long as differences are

Equivalent \(t\)-tests

t.test(profit, mu = 0,
    alternative = "greater")

    One Sample t-test

data:  profit
t = 2.1, df = 11, p-value = 0.03
alternative hypothesis: true mean is greater than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 1.537   Inf
sample estimates:
mean of x 
t.test(after, before, paired = TRUE,
    alternative = "greater")

    Paired t-test

data:  after and before
t = 2.1, df = 11, p-value = 0.03
alternative hypothesis: true mean difference is greater than 0
95 percent confidence interval:
 1.537   Inf
sample estimates:
mean difference 

Putting it Together

  • for \(t(11)=2.06\), \(p=.0319\)

if you picked 12 people at random from the population of investors we sampled from, and the population were making no profit overall, there would be, roughly, a 3% chance that the 12 would have an average profit of £11.98 or more

  • is 3% low enough for you to believe that the mean profit wasn’t due to chance?

  • perhaps we’d better face up to this question!

Setting the Alpha Level

  • the \(\alpha\) level is a criterion for \(p\)

  • if \(p\) is lower than the \(\alpha\) level

    • we can (decide to) reject H0

    • we can (implicitly) accept H1

  • what we set \(\alpha\) to is a matter of convention

  • typically, in Psychology, \(\color{red}{\alpha}\) is set to .05

  • important to set before any statistical analysis

\(p < .05\)

  • the \(p\)-value is the probability of finding our results under H0, the null hypothesis

  • H0 is essentially “💩 happens”

  • \(\alpha\) is the maximum level of \(p\) at which we are prepared to conclude that H0 is false (and argue for H1)

there is a 5% probability of falsely rejecting H0

  • wrongly rejecting H0 (false positive) is a type 1 error

  • wrongly accepting H0 (false negative) is a type 2 error
