class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ #
Week 11: Some Kind of End to the Course
] .subtitle[ ## Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R ] .author[ ### ] .institute[ ### Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh ] --- class: inverse, center, middle # Part 1 ## Week 7 - 10 Recap --- # Describing a pattern with a line .pull-left[  ] .pull-right[ ```r ggplot(df, aes(x = x1, y = y)) + geom_point() ``` ] --- # Defining a line .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ `$$\Large y_i = b_0 + b_1(x_{1i}) + \varepsilon_i$$` A line can be defined by two values: - A starting point (Intercept) - A slope ($y$ across `\(x1\)`) Fitting a linear model to some data provides coefficient estimates `\(\hat{b}_0\)` and `\(\hat{b}_1\)` that minimise `\(\sigma_\varepsilon\)`. ] --- # Testing the coefficients (1) .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ `$$\Large \hat{y} = \color{red}{\hat{b}_0} + \hat{b}_1(x_{1})$$` In the "null universe" where `\(b_0 = 0\)`, when sampling this many people, what is the probability that we will find an intercept at least as extreme as the one we _have_ found? ``` ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) *## (Intercept) 6.982 1.026 6.81 1.5e-08 *** ## x1 0.806 0.234 3.45 0.0012 ** ``` ] --- # Testing the coefficients (2) .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ `$$\Large \hat{y} = \hat{b}_0 + \color{red}{\hat{b}_1}(x_{1})$$` In the "null universe" where `\(b_1 = 0\)`, when sampling this many people, what is the probability that we will find a relationship at least as extreme as the one we _have_ found? ``` ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 6.982 1.026 6.81 1.5e-08 *** *## x1 0.806 0.234 3.45 0.0012 ** ``` ] --- # Coefficient Sampling Variability .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ `$$\Large \hat{y} = \hat{b}_0 + \hat{b}_1(x_{1})$$` Plausible range of values for `\(b_0\)` and `\(b_1\)`: ```r confint(model) ``` ``` ## Estimate 2.5 % 97.5 % ## (Intercept) 6.9816 4.919 9.044 ## x1 0.8057 0.336 1.275 ``` ] --- # Testing the model <!-- --> .pull-left[ $$ \small `\begin{align} & F_{df_{model},df_{residual}} = \frac{MS_{Model}}{MS_{Residual}} = \frac{SS_{Model}/df_{Model}}{SS_{Residual}/df_{Residual}} \\ & df_{model} = \text{nr predictors} \\ & df_{residual} = \text{sample size} - \text{nr predictors} - 1 \\ \end{align}` $$ ] .pull-right[ ``` ## ## Multiple R-squared: 0.199, Adjusted R-squared: 0.182 *## F-statistic: 11.9 on 1 and 48 DF, p-value: 0.00118 ``` ] --- # More predictors .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # More predictors (2) <br><br> `$$\Large y_i = b_0 + b_1(x_{1i}) + b_2(x_{2i}) + \varepsilon_i$$` - A starting point (Intercept) - A slope (across `\(x_1\)`) - _Another_ slope (across `\(x_2\)`) Coefficient estimates `\(\hat{b}_0\)`, `\(\hat{b}_1\)`, `\(\hat{b}_2\)` minimise `\(\sigma_\varepsilon\)`. --- # More predictors (3) <!-- --> --- # _Even_ more predictors... <br><br> `$$\Large y_i = b_0 + b_1(x_{1i}) + b_2(x_{2i}) + \, ... \, + b_k(x_{ki}) + \varepsilon_i$$` - A starting point (Intercept) - A slope (across `\(x_1\)`) - A slope (across `\(x_2\)`) - ... - ... - A slope (across `\(x_k\)`) --- # associations that depend on other things .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # interactions <br><br> `$$\Large y_i = b_0 + b_1(x_{1i}) + b_2(x_{2i}) + b_3(x_{1i}\cdot x_{2i}) + \varepsilon_i$$` - starting point (Intercept) - A slope (across `\(x_1\)`) - A slope (across `\(x_2\)`) - ... - How slope across `\(x_1\)` changes across `\(x_2\)` --- # interactions .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ] --- # interactions (2) .pull-left[ <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ <!-- --> ] --- # other outcomes .pull-left[ `$$ln(\frac{p}{1-p}) = b_0 + b_1(x_{1i}) + b_2(x_{2i})$$` <!-- --> ] .pull-right[ $$ ln(\frac{p}{1-p}) \, \Rightarrow \, \frac{p}{1-p} \, \Rightarrow \, p $$ <!-- --> ] --- # Checking Assumptions: Linear Models .pull-left[ ### required - linearity of relationship - for the _residuals_: + normality + homogeneity of variance + independence ] .pull-right[ ### desirable - uncorrelated predictors - no "bad" (overly influential) observations ] --- # Checking Assumptions: Logit Models .pull-left[ ### required - linearity of relationship .red[between IVs and log-odds] - for the _residuals_: + .red[~~normality~~] + .red[~~homogeneity of variance~~] + independence ] .pull-right[ ### desirable - uncorrelated predictors - no "bad" (overly influential) observations - .red[large samples (due to maximum likelihood fitting)] ] --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, flipInY # End of Part 1 --- class: inverse, center, middle # Part 2 ## Common Tests as linear models ```r usmr <- read_csv("") ``` --- # lm vs correlation .pull-left[ #### regression, continuous predictor ```r summary(lm(sleeprating ~ height, data = usmr)) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = sleeprating ~ height, data = usmr) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -65.42 -11.66 5.52 16.96 36.16 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 18.785 46.879 0.4 0.69 ## height 0.279 0.278 1.0 0.32 ## ## Residual standard error: 22.6 on 76 degrees of freedom ## (2 observations deleted due to missingness) ## Multiple R-squared: 0.013, Adjusted R-squared: 4.73e-05 ## F-statistic: 1 on 1 and 76 DF, p-value: 0.32 ``` ] .pull-right[ #### Correlation ```r cor.test(usmr$height, usmr$sleeprating) ``` ``` ## ## Pearson's product-moment correlation ## ## data: usmr$height and usmr$sleeprating ## t = 1, df = 76, p-value = 0.3 ## alternative hypothesis: true correlation is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -0.1112 0.3284 ## sample estimates: ## cor ## 0.1142 ``` ] --- # lm vs t.test .pull-left[ #### regression, intercept ```r summary(lm(height ~ 1, data = usmr)) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = height ~ 1, data = usmr) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -15.407 -7.607 -0.107 7.523 20.893 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 168.11 1.04 162 <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 9.22 on 78 degrees of freedom ## (1 observation deleted due to missingness) ``` ] .pull-right[ #### one sample t.test ```r t.test(usmr$height, mu=0) ``` ``` ## ## One Sample t-test ## ## data: usmr$height ## t = 162, df = 78, p-value <2e-16 ## alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## 166.0 170.2 ## sample estimates: ## mean of x ## 168.1 ``` ] --- # lm vs t.test (2) .pull-left[ #### regression, binary predictor ```r summary(lm(height ~ catdog, data = usmr)) ``` ``` ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = height ~ catdog, data = usmr) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -13.655 -7.501 0.499 8.399 19.499 ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 166.36 1.55 107.60 <2e-16 *** ## catdogdog 3.15 2.07 1.52 0.13 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 9.15 on 77 degrees of freedom ## (1 observation deleted due to missingness) ## Multiple R-squared: 0.0291, Adjusted R-squared: 0.0165 ## F-statistic: 2.31 on 1 and 77 DF, p-value: 0.133 ``` ] .pull-right[ #### two sample t.test ```r t.test(height ~ catdog, data = usmr, var.equal = TRUE) ``` ``` ## ## Two Sample t-test ## ## data: height by catdog ## t = -1.5, df = 77, p-value = 0.1 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group cat and group dog is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -7.2706 0.9796 ## sample estimates: ## mean in group cat mean in group dog ## 166.4 169.5 ``` ] --- # lm vs Traditional ANOVA > If you should say to a mathematical statistician that you have discovered that linear multiple regression and the analysis of variance (and covariance) are identical systems, he would mutter something like "Of course—general linear model," and you might have trouble maintaining his attention. If you should say this to a typical psychologist, you would be met with incredulity, or worse. Yet it is true, and in its truth lie possibilities for more relevant and therefore more powerful research data. .tr[ Cohen (1968) ] --- # History .pull-left[[ ### .white[Multiple Regression] - introduced c. 1900 in biological and behavioural sciences - aligned to "natural variation" in observations - tells us that means `\((\bar{y})\)` are related to groups `\((g_1,g_2,\ldots,g_n)\)` ]] .pull-right[[ ### .white[ANOVA] - introduced c. 1920 in agricultural research - aligned to experimentation and manipulation - tells us that groups `\((g_1,g_2,\ldots,g_n)\)` have different means `\((\bar{y})\)` ]] .pt2[ - both produce `\(F\)`-ratios, discussed in different language, but identical ] --- # lm vs Traditional ANOVA .pull-left[ #### regression, binary predictor ```r summary(lm(height ~ eyecolour, data = usmr)) ``` ``` ## ## lm(formula = height ~ eyecolour, data = usmr) ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 170.254 2.183 77.99 <2e-16 *** ## eyecolourbrown -3.682 2.609 -1.41 0.16 ## eyecolourgreen 2.717 4.125 0.66 0.51 ## eyecolourgrey -0.254 9.515 -0.03 0.98 ## eyecolourhazel -2.404 3.935 -0.61 0.54 ## eyecolourother -4.834 5.775 -0.84 0.41 ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: 9.26 on 73 degrees of freedom ## (1 observation deleted due to missingness) ## Multiple R-squared: 0.0563, Adjusted R-squared: -0.00837 ## F-statistic: 0.871 on 5 and 73 DF, p-value: 0.505 ``` ] .pull-right[ #### anova ```r summary(aov(height ~ eyecolour, data = usmr)) ``` ``` ## Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) ## eyecolour 5 373 74.7 0.87 0.51 ## Residuals 73 6261 85.8 ## 1 observation deleted due to missingness ``` ] --- # Why Teach LM/Regression? - LM has less restrictive assumptions + especially true for unbalanced designs/missing data - LM is far better at dealing with covariates + can arbitrarily mix continuous and discrete predictors - LM is the gateway to other powerful tools + mixed models and factor analysis (→ MSMR) + structural equation models --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, flipInY # End --- background-image: url(lecture_11_files/img/playmo_goodbye.jpg) background-size: contain # Goodbye!