class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Week 0: Welcome
## Univariate Statistics and Methodology using R ### Martin Corley ### Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh --- class: center, middle # Welcome to USMR --- # Univariate Statistics... ```r heights ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 102 × 4 ## gender HEIGHT submitted Token ## <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> ## 1 Female 173 02/10/2019 08:03:18 fo8qg8m4w53yil2nzufo8qxzpjkgzj0l ## 2 Female 159 02/10/2019 08:03:19 5jjo15xpzs23gdt5esks7jd7ol3uug8p ## 3 Female 164 02/10/2019 08:03:20 q2i04mqiaigqv6w82skh8orq2i04mujp ## 4 Male 187 02/10/2019 08:03:25 2n3x6kpuqjfhv3x2n3x63g7sqs3oshym ## 5 Female 183 02/10/2019 08:03:26 xsi090b2wfjb61xeryhxsi0q867xls2i ## 6 NonBinary 173 02/10/2019 08:03:27 feg5s1kerz3dw5090qfeg5s1keg6x08w ## 7 Female 168 02/10/2019 08:03:27 ph3e74tai0l3urg26ph34qfsavvxkq5g ## 8 Female 170 02/10/2019 08:03:30 dbzsfmoir3mkwtlvi7udbz0iw53p0r83 ## 9 Male 175 02/10/2019 08:03:36 qt2vujoe9ka2867o28sqt2vujm9cz1h9 ## 10 Male 165 02/10/2019 08:03:36 cvnzmtez3ej4oa54jfbpcvnzmqcgr3jx ## # … with 92 more rows ``` - one row represents one set of observations ??? Univariate statistics refer to statistics where there's one source of variation. Typically in Psychology this would be the identity of the person being measured: In the example here, height is affected by identity (different people have different heights). As statisticians, we're interested in whether there are systematic differences beyond the individual: For example, is height affected by gender? --- # ...and Methodology... .pull-left.pt4[ - how do we measure height? - how do we determine gender? - how do we collect data in a way that is generalisable? ] .pull-right[  ] --- # ...Using R... .flex.items-top[ .w-65.pa2[ ```r heights %>% ggplot(aes(x=HEIGHT,color=gender,fill=gender)) + geom_density(size=2,alpha=0.4) ``` ] .w-35.pa2[  ]] --- Form Conclusions ```r heights_t <- heights %>% filter(gender %in% c('Male','Female')) t.test(heights_t$HEIGHT ~ heights_t$gender) ``` ``` ## ## Welch Two Sample t-test ## ## data: heights_t$HEIGHT by heights_t$gender ## t = -9, df = 29, p-value = 6e-10 ## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group Female and group Male is not equal to 0 ## 95 percent confidence interval: ## -16.26 -10.25 ## sample estimates: ## mean in group Female mean in group Male ## 165.7 179.0 ``` --- # What you will learn .pull-left[ ### Statistics - foundations of Null Hypothesis Significance Testing - probability - samples and distributions - the normal and the binomial distributions - testing for significance + `\(F\)`-ratio, `\(\chi^2\)`, `\(t\)`-test, others - the linear model - multiple linear regression - assumptions, models, model criticism - logit regression (generalized linear model) ] -- .pull-right[ ### R - basic programming - using libraries - using an IDE (**RStudio**) - data types + data manipulation + visualisation (graphs) - functions - running statisical models - **RMarkdown** + literate programming + document creation ] --- # Shape of the Course .flex.items-center[.w-20.pa1[] .f2.w-80.pa1[Lectures (online)]] .flex.items-center[.w-20.pa1[] .f2.w-80.pa1[Labs (instructions online)]] .flex.items-center[.w-20.pa1[] .f2.w-80.pa1[Live Coding]] .flex.items-center[.w-20.pa1[] .f2.w-80.pa1[Discussions and support]] .flex.items-center[.w-20.pa1[] .f2.w-80.pa1[Assessment]] ??? As soon as we can, we'll offer discussions and help on campus. We might be able to offer labs on campus as the situation changes, and we hope to do so. Lectures are likely to remain online throughout the course. --- .pull-left[ # Lectures - broadly, about _concepts_ + statistics + coding - prerecorded, follow in your own time + videos + everything you need online ] -- .pull-right[ # Labs - broadly, _how to_ + coding + data manipulation + statistics - online workbook with instructions + lab work should be done in **RStudio** + can either install on your own laptop or use online ] --- # Discussions .tc[  ] - piazza discussion forums for the course on Learn + ask questions, share experiences, talk to the course team + post anonymously if preferred + an important way to keep in touch --- # Live Support <!-- FIXME image of zoom/teams session --> .pt4.pull-left[] .pt5.pull-right[ - we are here to help you - live coding: most Wednesdays + see Learn for details - lab sessions: every Wed, Thu, Fri + see Learn for details - piazza discussion forums: any time ] ??? we will be moving live support and help on-campus when it becomes possible this will be the first activity to move; labs may follow --- .flex.items-center[.w-10.pa2[] .f1.w-80.pa2[Interim Assessments (20%)]] - three online multiple-choice quizzes - only the best two quiz marks will count towards final grade - for each quiz, **one attempt** which must be completed within 60 min .pt4[[ quizzes released on Mon Oct 4, Mon Oct 18, Mon Nov 8 must be completed within 12 days of release ]] --- .flex.items-center[.w-10.pa2[] .f1.w-80.pa2[Final Assessment (80%)]] <!-- FIXME --> - check a dataset for consistency - explore hypotheses about how variables are related + conduct and interpret appropriate statistical tests - produce suitable graphics - present your workings and conclusions in a markdown document --- count: false .flex.items-center[.w-10.pa2[] .f1.w-80.pa2[Final Assessment (80%)]] <!-- FIXME --> - .red[check] a dataset for consistency - .red[explore] hypotheses about how variables are related + conduct and .red[interpret] appropriate statistical tests - produce .red[suitable] graphics - present your workings and .red[conclusions] in a markdown document ??? note that these are matters of _judgement_ statistics is not an 'exact science' it's careful and principled story-telling --[ coursework released: 18 Nov 2021 coursework submission deadline: 16 Dec 2021 ] --- # Tips for survival 1. keep on top of the coursework 1. use the piazza forums and other forms of support whenever you need them 1. remember that some things will feel difficult at first + what's hard for you may be easy for others + what's easy for you may be hard for others 1. most importantly, _don't give up_ --- # Tips for improving the course - this is a very unusual year(!) - we have worked hard to make this course work, but some things will undoubtedly still be improvable - please feed back to us! + you can do it via email, in the forums, or anonymously on Learn via "Have Your Say" - please bear with us! + we are doing our very best - any good course is a _conversation_ between teachers and learners + this year, that's more important than ever, but it will only work with your help --- class: center, middle # first task ## help us get to know you --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, heartBeat # End --- class: middle # Acknowledgements - icons by Becris, tezar tantula, ProSymbols, Arjan Farzkenari, Econceptive from the [Noun Project](