class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Ethical Review
## Practical Research Ethics ### Hugh Rabagliati ### Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh ### AY 2021-2022 --- class: left, top # How is research reviewed? ![:scale 60%](images/EthicsPortal.png) - Review panel of local psychologists with diverse expertise. - Oversight by University ethics panel --- class: left, top # Types of review ### **Not all research requires a full ethical review.** - e.g., No review needed for reanalysis of publicly available, unidentified data. ### **Most human subjects research does require review.** - Review by one panel member if not collecting sensitive data. - Review by two panel members if collecting data from children, or collecting sensitive personal data. - Review by Head of Department if collecting dangerous data, or (as of Autumn 2021) in-person data. --- class: left, top # What do I need to do for an ethics review. ### **1. Familiarise yourself with the PPLS Research Ethics Materials** []( ### **2. With your supervisor, begin an ethics application on the PPLS portal.** []() ### **3. Craft your information sheet, consent forms, and any advertisements you want to publicise. ** --- class: left, top # PPLS Research Ethics Material ![](images/PPLSWebsite.png) --- class: left, top # What do I need to do for an ethics review. ### **1. Familiarise yourself with the PPLS Research Ethics Materials** []( ### **2. With your supervisor, begin an ethics application on the PPLS portal.** []() ### **3. Craft your information sheet, consent forms, and any advertisements you want to publicise. ** --- class: left, top # PPLS Ethics Portal ![](images/EthicsPortal.png) --- class: left, top # What do I need to do for an ethics review. ### **1. Familiarise yourself with the PPLS Research Ethics Materials** []( ### **2. With your supervisor, begin an ethics application on the PPLS portal.** []() ### **3. Craft your information sheet, consent forms, and any advertisements you want to publicise. ** --- class: left, top # PPLS Information Sheet ![](images/InfoSheet.png) --- class: left, top # PPLS Consent Form ![](images/ConsentFrm.png) --- class: left, top # PPLS Recruitment Ads ![](images/RecruitmentAd.jpg) --- class: inverse, center, middle Next: How to craft an ethics application.