class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
Week 3: Longitudinal Data Analysis using Multilevel Modeling - Nonlinear Change
## Multivariate Statistics and Methodology using R (MSMR)
### Dan Mirman ### Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh --- # Longitudinal data are a natural application domain for MLM * Longitudinal measurements are *nested* within subjects (by definition) * Longitudinal measurements are related by a continuous variable, spacing can be uneven across participants, and data can be missing + These are problems rmANOVA * **Trajectories of longitudinal change can be nonlinear** -- This application of MLM is sometimes called "Growth Curve Analysis" (GCA) --- # Example: Target fixation during spoken word-to-picture matching (VWP) ```r load("./data/TargetFix.rda") ggplot(TargetFix, aes(Time, meanFix, color=Condition, fill=Condition)) + stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="line") + stat_summary(, geom="ribbon", color=NA, alpha=0.3) + theme_bw() + expand_limits(y=c(0,1)) + labs(y="Fixation Proportion", x="Time since word onset (ms)") ``` <!-- --> Challenges: * Non-linear change over time * Within-subject `Condition` --- # Modeling non-linear change over time * Choosing a functional form * Function must be adequate to data * Dynamic consistency * Prediction -- **Higher-order polynomials** *Orthogonal polynomials* --- # Function must be adequate to data <!-- --> -- Use `broom::augment()` to make a quick plot of residuals vs. fitted: ```r ggplot(augment(m), aes(.fitted, .resid)) + geom_point() ``` For multilevel models use `broom.mixed::augment()` --- # Two kinds of non-linearity 1. Non-linear in **variables** (Time): `\(Y_{ij} = \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1i} \cdot Time_{j} + \beta_{2i} \cdot Time^2_{j} + \epsilon_{ij}\)` 2. Non-linear in **parameters** (s): `\(Y = \frac{p-b}{1+exp(4 \cdot \frac{s}{p-b} \cdot (c-t))} + b\)` -- * Dynamic Consistency: The model of the average is equal to the average of the individual models * Recall: random effects must have a mean of 0 * Average of individual deviations is 0 * So, the average of the individual models will have 0 deviation from the model of the average -- **Not true of some tempting functional forms** --- # Example of lack of dynamic consistency <!-- Logistic power peak function (Scheepers, Keller, & Lapata, 2008) fit to semantic competition data (Mirman & Magnuson, 2009). --> <img src="./figs/dynamicConsistency3.png" width="55%" /> -- * Standard statistical inference assumes that the group average represents central tendency of individuals * For dynamically inconsistent models this is not true -- **Can't make inferences about central tendencies without dynamic consistency** --- # Prediction: Two kinds .pull-left[ **Fits: Statistical models** * Example: Mean and SD * Describe the observed data * No new predictions * Not falsifiable ] -- .pull-right[ **Forecasts: Theoretical models** * Example: Interactive Activation * Match the observed data * Makes new predictions * Falsifiable ] --- # Using higher-order polynomials * <span style="color:blue">Can model any curve shape</span> * <span style="color:blue">Dynamically consistent</span> * <span style="color:red">Bad at capturing asymptotic behaviour</span> * Try to avoid long flat sections * Don't extrapolate -- **How to choose polynomial order?** * Curve shape * Statistical: include only terms that statistically improve model fit * Theoretical: include only terms that are predicted to matter --- # Natural vs. Orthogonal polynomials * Natural Polynomials: Correlated time terms * Orthogonal Polynomials: Uncorrelated time terms + Need to specify range and order <img src="./figs/orth-poly.png" width="60%" /> --- # Interpreting orthogonal polynomial terms Intercept ( `\(\beta_0\)` ): Overall average <img src="./figs/VisSearchOrth.png" width="30%" /> --- # Interpreting orthogonal polynomial terms .pull-left[ * Intercept ( `\(\beta_0\)` ): Overall average * Linear ( `\(\beta_1\)` ): Overall slope * Quadratic ( `\(\beta_2\)` ): Centered rise and fall rate * Cubic, Quartic, ... ( `\(\beta_3, \beta_4, ...\)` ): Inflection steepness ] .pull-right[ <img src="./figs/polys-scale.png" width="100%" /> ] --- # Random effects <img src="./figs/RandomEffectsLinDemo.png" width="75%" /> -- **Keep it maximal**: A full or maximal random effect structure is when all of the factors that could hypothetically vary across individual observational units are allowed to do so. * Incomplete random effects can inflate false alarms * Full random effects can produce convergence problems (we'll come back to this issue in a little while) --- # Let's return to our example Target fixation during spoken word-to-picure matching (VWP) <!-- --> ``` ## Subject Time timeBin Condition meanFix ## 708 : 30 Min. : 300 Min. : 1 High:150 Min. :0.0286 ## 712 : 30 1st Qu.: 450 1st Qu.: 4 Low :150 1st Qu.:0.2778 ## 715 : 30 Median : 650 Median : 8 Median :0.4558 ## 720 : 30 Mean : 650 Mean : 8 Mean :0.4483 ## 722 : 30 3rd Qu.: 850 3rd Qu.:12 3rd Qu.:0.6111 ## 725 : 30 Max. :1000 Max. :15 Max. :0.8286 ## (Other):120 ## sumFix N ## Min. : 1.0 Min. :33.0 ## 1st Qu.:10.0 1st Qu.:35.8 ## Median :16.0 Median :36.0 ## Mean :15.9 Mean :35.5 ## 3rd Qu.:21.2 3rd Qu.:36.0 ## Max. :29.0 Max. :36.0 ## ``` --- # Prep for analysis Create a 3rd-order orthogonal polynomial ```r source("code_poly.R") TargetFix.gca <- code_poly(TargetFix, predictor="Time", poly.order=3) ``` <!-- --> --- # Prep for analysis ```r str(TargetFix.gca) ``` ``` ## 'data.frame': 300 obs. of 11 variables: ## $ Subject : Factor w/ 10 levels "708","712","715",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... ## $ Time : num 300 300 350 350 400 400 450 450 500 500 ... ## $ timeBin : num 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ... ## $ Condition : Factor w/ 2 levels "High","Low": 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 ... ## $ meanFix : num 0.1944 0.0286 0.25 0.1143 0.2778 ... ## $ sumFix : num 7 1 9 4 10 5 13 5 14 6 ... ## $ N : int 36 35 36 35 36 35 36 35 36 35 ... ## $ Time.Index: num 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 ... ## $ poly1 : num -0.418 -0.418 -0.359 -0.359 -0.299 ... ## $ poly2 : num 0.4723 0.4723 0.2699 0.2699 0.0986 ... ## $ poly3 : num -0.4563 -0.4563 -0.0652 -0.0652 0.1755 ... ``` --- # Fit full GCA model ```r m.full <- lmer(meanFix ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + #fixed effects (poly1+poly2+poly3 | Subject) + #random effects of Subject (poly1+poly2+poly3 | Subject:Condition), #random effects of Subj by Cond data=TargetFix.gca, REML=F) ``` ``` ## boundary (singular) fit: see ?isSingular ``` ```r #summary(m.full) coef(summary(m.full)) ``` ``` ## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 0.4773228 0.01385 19.87 34.457856 3.383e-19 ## poly1 0.6385604 0.05994 17.27 10.654065 5.152e-09 ## poly2 -0.1095979 0.03849 19.99 -2.847535 9.954e-03 ## poly3 -0.0932612 0.02330 18.07 -4.001954 8.305e-04 ## ConditionLow -0.0581122 0.01879 16.22 -3.093146 6.891e-03 ## poly1:ConditionLow 0.0003188 0.06579 15.70 0.004846 9.962e-01 ## poly2:ConditionLow 0.1635455 0.05393 19.08 3.032574 6.826e-03 ## poly3:ConditionLow -0.0020869 0.02705 16.67 -0.077163 9.394e-01 ``` --- # Plot model fit ```r ggplot(TargetFix.gca, aes(Time, meanFix, color=Condition)) + stat_summary(, geom="pointrange") + stat_summary(aes(y=fitted(m.full)), fun=mean, geom="line") + theme_bw() + expand_limits(y=c(0,1)) + labs(y="Fixation Proportion", x="Time since word onset (ms)") ``` <!-- --> --- # The random effects .pull-left[ ```r head(ranef(m.full)$"Subject") ``` ``` ## (Intercept) poly1 poly2 poly3 ## 708 -0.0001522 0.01085 -0.0035635 -0.004929 ## 712 0.0110222 0.10693 -0.0093253 -0.036517 ## 715 0.0113775 0.11482 -0.0109566 -0.039652 ## 720 -0.0020717 -0.01300 -0.0003714 0.003738 ## 722 0.0138362 0.16223 -0.0200919 -0.058180 ## 725 -0.0178395 -0.20733 0.0253549 0.074204 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r head(ranef(m.full)$"Subject:Condition") ``` ``` ## (Intercept) poly1 poly2 poly3 ## 708:High 0.012273 -0.13120 -0.12985 0.01515 ## 708:Low -0.061222 0.17039 0.06228 0.01232 ## 712:High 0.021229 0.08290 0.02803 0.02002 ## 712:Low -0.014453 0.04483 0.03255 -0.01730 ## 715:High 0.012361 0.05971 0.05517 -0.02500 ## 715:Low -0.008687 0.10599 0.13031 -0.03948 ``` ] --- # The random effects ```r VarCorr(m.full) ``` ``` ## Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr ## Subject:Condition (Intercept) 0.0405 ## poly1 0.1404 -0.43 ## poly2 0.1124 -0.33 0.72 ## poly3 0.0417 0.13 -0.49 -0.43 ## Subject (Intercept) 0.0124 ## poly1 0.1195 0.91 ## poly2 0.0165 -0.42 -0.76 ## poly3 0.0421 -0.85 -0.99 0.83 ## Residual 0.0438 ``` What is being estimated? * Random variance and covariance * Unit-level random effects (but constrained to have mean = 0) -- **This is why df for parameter estimates are poorly defined in MLM** --- # Alternative random effects structure ```r m.left <- lmer(meanFix ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + #fixed effects ((poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition | Subject), #random effects data=TargetFix.gca, REML=F) ``` ``` ## Warning in checkConv(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl = control$checkConv, : ## Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00339123 (tol = 0.002, component 1) ``` ```r coef(summary(m.left)) ``` ``` ## Estimate Std. Error df t value Pr(>|t|) ## (Intercept) 0.4773228 0.01679 9.995 28.428492 6.810e-11 ## poly1 0.6385604 0.05146 10.005 12.409428 2.120e-07 ## poly2 -0.1095979 0.03719 9.987 -2.946831 1.463e-02 ## poly3 -0.0932612 0.02061 10.001 -4.524584 1.100e-03 ## ConditionLow -0.0581122 0.02111 9.994 -2.752959 2.039e-02 ## poly1:ConditionLow 0.0003188 0.07481 9.985 0.004262 9.967e-01 ## poly2:ConditionLow 0.1635455 0.06278 9.982 2.605219 2.629e-02 ## poly3:ConditionLow -0.0020869 0.03332 10.685 -0.062623 9.512e-01 ``` --- # Alternative random effects structure ```r # str(ranef(m.left)) # head(ranef(m.left)$"Subject") VarCorr(m.left) ``` ``` ## Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr ## Subject (Intercept) 0.0519 ## poly1 0.1569 0.17 ## poly2 0.1095 -0.29 0.03 ## poly3 0.0490 -0.28 -0.37 0.63 ## ConditionLow 0.0649 -0.89 -0.13 0.49 0.34 ## poly1:ConditionLow 0.2286 0.38 -0.46 -0.63 0.10 -0.56 ## poly2:ConditionLow 0.1890 0.20 0.08 -0.81 -0.22 -0.43 0.74 ## poly3:ConditionLow 0.0861 -0.08 -0.40 -0.06 -0.47 0.06 -0.27 -0.43 ## Residual 0.0430 ``` This random effect structure makes fewer assumptions: * Allows unequal variances across conditions * Allows more flexible covariance structure between random effect terms --- # Alternative random effects structure requires more parameters <img src="./figs/RandomParams.png" width="50%" /> --- # Convergence problems <span style="color:red">`Model failed to converge with max|grad| = 0.00930636 (tol = 0.002, component 1)`</span> -- ## Consider simplifying random effects **Remove random effects of higher-order terms** ```r Outcome ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + (poly1+poly2+poly3 | Subject) Outcome ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + (poly1+poly2 | Subject) ``` -- **Remove correlation between random effects** ```r Outcome ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + (1 | Subject) + (0+poly1 | Subject) + (0+poly2 | Subject) + (0+poly3 | Subject) ``` Alternatively: double-pipe ```r Outcome ~ (poly1+poly2+poly3)*Condition + (poly1+poly2+poly3 || Subject) ``` --- # Participants as fixed vs. random effects **In general**, participants should be treated as random effects. This captures the typical assumption of random sampling from some population to which we wish to generalise. **Pooling** <img src="./figs/partial-pooling-vs-others-1.png" width="30%" /> --- # Participants as fixed vs. random effects **In general**, participants should be treated as random effects. This captures the typical assumption of random sampling from some population to which we wish to generalise. **Shrinkage** <img src="./figs/shrinkage-plot-1.png" width="30%" /> Another explanation of shrinkage: --- # Participants as fixed vs. random effects **In general**, participants should be treated as random effects. This captures the typical assumption of random sampling from some population to which we wish to generalise. **Exceptions are possible**: e.g., neurological/neuropsychological case studies where the goal is to characterise the pattern of performance for each participant, not generalise to a population. --- # Key points .pull-left[ **Modeling non-linear change over time** * Choose an adequate functional form + Polynomials are mathematically nice, but be careful with interpretation and extrapolation * Random effect structure + Keep it maximal, but be ready to deal with convergence problems + For within-subject variables: "left" side of pipe (random slopes) is more flexible, but requires more data to estimate; "right" side of pipe (nested) is a good alternative * Participants as random effects + Supports most inferences + Partial pooling (aka shrinkage) + Some exceptions (e.g., case studies) ] .pull-right[ <img src="./figs/max_grad_tombstone.jpg" /> ]