class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide .title[ #
Centering Predictors
] .subtitle[ ## Data Analysis for Psychology in R 3 ] .author[ ### Josiah King ] .institute[ ### Department of Psychology
The University of Edinburgh ] --- class: inverse, center, middle <h2>Part 1: Back to the start</h2> <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Part 2: Centering Predictors</h2> <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Extra Slides (optional): GLMM</h2> --- # Research Question > **How do reaction times change with increasing sleep deprivation?** <span style="opacity:.4">An international study, in which institutions in 20 countries studied 18 participants over 10 days. Information was also captured on two known predictors of reaction time - age, and whether or not participants regularly consume caffeine.</span> --- # lm: a line <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide1.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lm: a line (2) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide13.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lm: a line (3) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide2.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lm: lines and differences between them <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide3.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: lines with a distribution of intercepts <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide4.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: lines with a distribution of intercepts (2) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide5.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: lines with a distribution of intercepts (3) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide6.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: lines with a distribution of intercepts (4) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide7.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: and with a distribution of slopes <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide8.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # lmer: and with a distribution of slopes (2) <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide9.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # fixed and random <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide10.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> - 95% of the time, research is interested in the fixed part. Describes the average group. - Fixed effects estimates are the bits we test - Random effects provide context --- # nested: distributions of distributions <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide11.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # crossed: distributions and distributions <img src="jk_img_sandbox/rt_example/Slide12.PNG" width="1707" height="600px" /> --- # model building > How do reaction times change with increasing sleep deprivation? An international study, in which institutions in 20 countries studied 18 participants over 10 days. Information was also captured on two known predictors of reaction time - age, and whether or not participants regularly consume caffeine. --- # model building > How do reaction times change with increasing sleep deprivation? <span style="opacity:.4">An international study, in which institutions in 20 countries studied 18 participants over 10 days.</span>Information was also captured on two known predictors of reaction time - age, and whether or not participants regularly consume caffeine. <br><br> - The research question tells us our fixed effects. - <span style="opacity:.4">The design tells us our grouping structure</span> - <span style="opacity:.4">The random effects are additional levels of complexity that we _may_ be able to fit in order to better represent the world.</span> -- ```r Reaction ~ Age + Caff + Days ``` --- # model building > <span style="opacity:.4">How do reaction times change with increasing sleep deprivation?</span> An international study, in which institutions in 20 countries studied 18 participants over 10 days.<span style="opacity:.4">Information was also captured on two known predictors of reaction time - age, and whether or not participants regularly consume caffeine.</span> <br><br> - The research question tells us our fixed effects. - The design tells us our grouping structure - <span style="opacity:.4">The random effects are additional levels of complexity that we _may_ be able to fit in order to better represent the world.</span> ```r Reaction ~ Age + Caff + Days + (_____ | Country/Subject) ``` --- # model building > How do reaction times change with increasing sleep deprivation? An international study, in which institutions in 20 countries studied 18 participants over 10 days. Information was also captured on two known predictors of reaction time - age, and whether or not participants regularly consume caffeine. <br><br> - The research question tells us our fixed effects. - The design tells us our grouping structure - The random effects are additional levels of complexity that we _may_ be able to fit in order to better represent the world. ```r Reaction ~ Age + Caff + Days + (????? | Country/Subject) ``` --- class: center, middle # in RStudio... --- # maximal structure - everything that _can (theoretically)_ vary by grouping structure is modelled as doing so ```r Reaction ~ Age + Caff + Days + (1 + Age + Caff + Days | Country) + (1 + Days | Country:Subject) ``` - Simplify until model converges - Remember that you have a choice of optimizers (algorithms to try and find a converging model) ```r control = lmerControl(optimizer = ???) ``` --- # how to simplify Look for: - Variances/standard deviations of 0 (or very small, e.g. `3.56e-05`) - Correlations of -1 or 1 ```r # to extract random effects VarCorr(model) ``` - You might argue that random effects of focal predictors are more important than random effects of covariates - You will be faced with _subjective_ choices - which simplification can you most easily accept? --- # a note on random effect correlations - If you remove a correlation between random effects, e.g.: ```r (1 + Days || Country) ``` - be sure that you're comfortable accepting this simplification - try plotting the random effects from the model without the correlation. - setting `(1 + Days || Country)` doesn't _prevent_ a correlation between the _estimated_ random effects. - it just tries to _describe_ the pattern with two **uncorrelated** distributions .pull-left[ Model Parameters ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-29-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ Random effect estimates ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-30-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # a note on random effect correlations (2) - If you remove a correlation between random effects, e.g.: ```r (1 + Days || Country) ``` - be sure that you're comfortable accepting this simplification - try plotting the individual cluster `lm()` lines .pull-left[ Individual `lm()` for each cluster: ```r ggplot(fulldat, aes(x=Days,y=Reaction,group=Country))+ geom_smooth(method=lm,se=F) ``` ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-32-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Summary - think of the multilevel model `lmer()` as an extension of the simple linear model `lm()` - the multilevel model allow us to let parts of our model _vary by_ some grouping. - i.e. different intercepts and/or slopes for each group - the most straightforward approach to building these models: 1. start with most complex model 2. simplify until the model converges --- class: inverse, center, middle <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Part 1: Back to the start</h2> <h2>Part 2: Centering Predictors</h2> <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Extra Slides (optional): GLMM</h2> --- # Centering .pull-left[ Suppose we have a variable for which the mean is 100. ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-33-1.svg)<!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ We can re-center this so that the mean becomes zero: ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-34-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # Centering .pull-left[ Suppose we have a variable for which the mean is 100. ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-35-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ We can re-center this so that _any_ value becomes zero: ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-36-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Scaling .pull-left[ Suppose we have a variable for which the mean is 100. The standard deviation is 15 ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-37-1.svg)<!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ We can scale this so that a change in 1 is equivalent to a change in 1 standard deviation: ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-38-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Centering predictors in LM .pull-left[ ```r m1 <- lm(y~x,data=df) m2 <- lm(y~scale(x, center=T,scale=F),data=df) m3 <- lm(y~scale(x, center=T,scale=T),data=df) m4 <- lm(y~I(x-5), data=df) ``` ] --- count:false # Centering predictors in LM .pull-left[ ```r m1 <- lm(y~x,data=df) m2 <- lm(y~scale(x, center=T,scale=F),data=df) m3 <- lm(y~scale(x, center=T,scale=T),data=df) m4 <- lm(y~I(x-5), data=df) ``` ```r anova(m1,m2,m3,m4) ``` ``` ## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Model 1: y ~ x ## Model 2: y ~ scale(x, center = T, scale = F) ## Model 3: y ~ scale(x, center = T, scale = T) ## Model 4: y ~ I(x - 5) ## Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) ## 1 198 177 ## 2 198 177 0 0 ## 3 198 177 0 0 ## 4 198 177 0 0 ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-43-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] --- # Big Fish Little Fish <img src="04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-45-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> data available at --- # Things are different with multi-level data <img src="04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-46-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Multiple means .pull-left[ __Grand mean__ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-47-1.svg)<!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ __Group means__ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-48-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Group-mean centering .pull-left[ <center>__ `\(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_i\)` __</center><br> ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-49-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Group-mean centering <br> <img src="jk_img_sandbox/center.gif" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Group-mean centering .pull-left[ <center>__ `\(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_i\)` __</center><br> ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-53-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ <center>__ `\(\bar{x}_i\)` __</center><br> ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-54-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Disaggregating within & between .pull-left[ **RE model** $$ `\begin{align} y_{ij} &= \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1}(x_j) + \varepsilon_{ij} \\ \beta_{0i} &= \gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i} \\ ... \\ \end{align}` $$ ```r rem <- lmer(self_esteem ~ fish_weight + (1 | pond), data=bflp) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ **Within-between model** $$ `\begin{align} y_{ij} &= \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1}(\bar{x}_i) + \beta_2(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_i)+ \varepsilon_{ij} \\ \beta_{0i} &= \gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i} \\ ... \\ \end{align}` $$ ```r bflp <- bflp %>% group_by(pond) %>% mutate( fw_pondm = mean(fish_weight), fw_pondc = fish_weight - mean(fish_weight) ) %>% ungroup wbm <- lmer(self_esteem ~ fw_pondm + fw_pondc + (1 | pond), data=bflp) fixef(wbm) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) fw_pondm fw_pondc ## 4.76802 -0.05586 0.04067 ``` ] --- # Disaggregating within & between .pull-left[ <img src="04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-57-1.svg" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ **Within-between model** $$ `\begin{align} y_{ij} &= \beta_{0i} + \beta_{1}(\bar{x}_i) + \beta_2(x_{ij} - \bar{x}_i)+ \varepsilon_{ij} \\ \beta_{0i} &= \gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i} \\ ... \\ \end{align}` $$ ```r bflp <- bflp %>% group_by(pond) %>% mutate( fw_pondm = mean(fish_weight), fw_pondc = fish_weight - mean(fish_weight) ) %>% ungroup wbm <- lmer(self_esteem ~ fw_pondm + fw_pondc + (1 | pond), data=bflp) fixef(wbm) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) fw_pondm fw_pondc ## 4.76802 -0.05586 0.04067 ``` ] --- # A more realistic example .pull-left[ A research study investigates how anxiety is associated with drinking habits. Data was collected from 50 participants. Researchers administered the generalised anxiety disorder (GAD-7) questionnaire to measure levels of anxiety over the past week, and collected information on the units of alcohol participants had consumed within the week. Each participant was observed on 10 different occasions. ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-60-1.svg)<!-- --> data available at ] --- # A more realistic example .pull-left[ Is being more nervous (than you usually are) associated with higher consumption of alcohol? ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-61-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # A more realistic example .pull-left[ Is being generally more nervous (relative to others) associated with higher consumption of alcohol? ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-62-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Modelling within & between effects .pull-left[ ```r alcgad <- alcgad %>% group_by(ppt) %>% mutate( gadm=mean(gad), gadmc=gad-gadm ) alcmod <- lmer(alcunits ~ gadm + gadmc + (1 + gadmc | ppt), data=alcgad, control=lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r summary(alcmod) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: alcunits ~ gadm + gadmc + (1 + gadmc | ppt) ## Data: alcgad ## Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa") ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 1424 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2.8466 -0.6264 0.0642 0.6292 3.0281 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr ## ppt (Intercept) 3.7803 1.944 ## gadmc 0.0935 0.306 -0.30 ## Residual 1.7234 1.313 ## Number of obs: 375, groups: ppt, 50 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 14.5802 0.8641 16.87 ## gadm -0.7584 0.1031 -7.35 ## gadmc 0.6378 0.0955 6.68 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) gadm ## gadm -0.945 ## gadmc -0.055 0.012 ``` ] --- # Modelling within & between interactions .pull-left[ ```r alcmod <- lmer(alcunits ~ (gadm + gadmc)*interv + (1 | ppt), data=alcgad, control=lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r summary(alcmod) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: alcunits ~ (gadm + gadmc) * interv + (1 | ppt) ## Data: alcgad ## Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa") ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 1404 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2.8183 -0.6354 0.0142 0.5928 3.0874 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## ppt (Intercept) 3.59 1.9 ## Residual 1.69 1.3 ## Number of obs: 375, groups: ppt, 50 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 14.858 1.275 11.65 ## gadm -0.876 0.154 -5.70 ## gadmc 1.092 0.128 8.56 ## interv -0.549 1.711 -0.32 ## gadm:interv 0.205 0.205 1.00 ## gadmc:interv -0.757 0.166 -4.57 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) gadm gadmc interv gdm:nt ## gadm -0.939 ## gadmc 0.000 0.000 ## interv -0.746 0.700 0.000 ## gadm:interv 0.705 -0.750 0.000 -0.944 ## gadmc:intrv 0.000 0.000 -0.770 0.000 0.000 ``` ] --- # Total effect .pull-left[ ```r alcmod2 <- lmer(alcunits ~ gad + (1 | ppt), data=alcgad, control=lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r summary(alcmod2) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: alcunits ~ gad + (1 | ppt) ## Data: alcgad ## Control: lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa") ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 1494 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2.9940 -0.6414 0.0258 0.5808 2.9825 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## ppt (Intercept) 14.32 3.78 ## Residual 1.83 1.35 ## Number of obs: 375, groups: ppt, 50 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 5.1787 0.8198 6.32 ## gad 0.4281 0.0779 5.50 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) ## gad -0.752 ``` ] --- # Within & Between effects .pull-left[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-70-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-71-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # Within & Between effects .pull-left[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-72-1.svg)<!-- --> ] -- .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-73-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # Summary - Applying the same linear transformation to a predictor (e.g. grand-mean centering, or standardising) makes __no difference__ to our model or significance tests - but it may change the meaning and/or interpretation of our parameters - When data are clustered, we can apply group-level transformations, e.g. __group-mean centering.__ - Group-mean centering our predictors allows us to disaggregate __within__ from __between__ effects. - allowing us to ask the theoretical questions that we are actually interested in --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, rotateInDownLeft # End --- class: inverse, center, middle <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Part 1: Back to the start</h2> <h2 style="text-align: left;opacity:0.3;">Part 2: Centering Predictors</h2> <h2>Extra Slides (optional): GLMM</h2> --- # lm() and glm() .pull-left[ ### lm() $$ `\begin{align} & \color{red}{y} = \color{blue}{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)} + \mathbf{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}\\ \end{align}` $$ ] --- count:false # lm() and glm() .pull-left[ ### lm() $$ `\begin{align} & \color{red}{y} = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ \end{align}` $$ ] --- count:false # lm() and glm() .pull-left[ ### lm() $$ `\begin{align} & \color{red}{y} = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ & \text{where } -\infty \leq \color{red}{y} \leq \infty \\ \end{align}` $$ ] -- .pull-right[ ### $$ `\begin{align} \color{red}{??} = & \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ \end{align}` $$ ] --- count:false # lm() and glm() .pull-left[ ### lm() $$ `\begin{align} & \color{red}{y} = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ & \text{where } -\infty \leq \color{red}{y} \leq \infty \\ \end{align}` $$ ] .pull-right[ ### glm() $$ `\begin{align} \color{red}{ln \left( \frac{p}{1-p} \right) } & = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ & \text{where } 0 \leq p \leq 1 \\ \end{align}` $$ ] --- count:false # lm() and glm() .pull-left[ ### lm() $$ `\begin{align} & \color{red}{y} = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ & \text{where } -\infty \leq \color{red}{y} \leq \infty \\ \end{align}` $$ ] .pull-right[ ### glm() $$ `\begin{align} \color{red}{ln \left( \frac{p}{1-p} \right) } & = \color{blue}{\underbrace{\beta_0 + \beta_1(x_1) + ... + \beta_k(x_k)}_{\mathbf{X \boldsymbol{\beta}}}} + \boldsymbol{\varepsilon} \\ & \text{where } 0 \leq p \leq 1 \\ \end{align}` $$ glm() is the __generalised__ linear model. we can specify the link function to model outcomes with different distributions. this allows us to fit models such as the _logistic_ regression model: ```{} glm(y~x, family = binomial(link="logit")) ``` ] --- # logistic regression visualised .pull-left[ ### continuous outcome <br><br> ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-74-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ### binary outcome <br><br> ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-75-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # logistic regression visualised .pull-left[ ### linear regression we model __y__ directly as linear combination of one or more predictor variables ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-76-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ### logistic regression __probability__ is _not_ linear.. but we can model it indirectly ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-77-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # logistic regression visualised `\(ln \left( \frac{p}{1-p} \right)\)` __log-odds__ are linear <img src="jk_img_sandbox/logoddp.png" width="1977" height="400px" /> --- # lmer() and glmer() .pull-left[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-80-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-81-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- count:false # lmer() and glmer() .pull-left[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-82-1.svg)<!-- --> ] .pull-right[ ![](04_centeringglmer_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-83-1.svg)<!-- --> ] --- # fitting glmer() .pull-left[ > Researchers are interested in whether the level of routine a child has in daily life influences their probability of receiving a detention at school. 200 pupils from 20 schools completed a survey containing the Child Routines Questionnaire (CRQ), and a binary variable indicating whether or not they had received detention in the past school year. ] .pull-right[ ```r crq <- read_csv("") crq %>% select(schoolid, crq, detention) %>% head() ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 6 × 3 ## schoolid crq detention ## <chr> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 school1 1.92 1 ## 2 school1 1.65 1 ## 3 school1 3.56 1 ## 4 school1 1.45 1 ## 5 school1 0.81 1 ## 6 school1 2.71 0 ``` ] ```r detentionmod <- glmer(detention ~ crq + (1 + crq | schoolid), data = crq, family="binomial", control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` --- # fitting glmer() .pull-left[ ```r summary(detentionmod) ``` ``` ## Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace Approximation) ## [glmerMod] ## Family: binomial ( logit ) ## Formula: detention ~ crq + (1 + crq | schoolid) ## Data: crq ## Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa") ## ## AIC BIC logLik deviance df.resid ## 180.0 195.8 -85.0 170.0 169 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2.419 -0.450 0.119 0.504 1.826 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr ## schoolid (Intercept) 2.577 1.605 ## crq 0.414 0.643 -0.52 ## Number of obs: 174, groups: schoolid, 20 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|) ## (Intercept) 5.472 1.184 4.62 0.0000038 *** ## crq -2.126 0.465 -4.57 0.0000049 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) ## crq -0.929 ``` ] .pull-right[ ```r exp(fixef(detentionmod)) ``` ``` ## (Intercept) crq ## 237.8338 0.1193 ``` ] --- # interpretating coefficients - `lm(y ~ x + ...)` - `\(\beta_x\)` denotes the change in the average `\(y\)` when `\(x\)` is increased by one unit and all other covariates are fixed. - `lmer(y ~ x + ... + (1 + x + ... | cluster))` - `\(\beta_x\)` denotes the change in the average `\(y\)` when `\(x\)` is increased by one unit, averaged across clusters - `glmer(ybin ~ x + ... + (1 + x + ... | cluster), family=binomial)` - `\(e^{\beta_x}\)` denotes the change in the average `\(y\)` when `\(x\)` is increased by one unit, __holding cluster constant.__ --- # why are glmer() coefficients cluster-specific? consider a __linear__ multilevel model: `lmer(respiratory_rate ~ treatment + (1|hospital))` Imagine two patients from different hospitals. One has a treatment, one does not. - patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` is "control" - patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` is "treatment" The difference in estimated outcome between patient `\(j\)` and patient `\(j'\)` is the "the effect of having treatment" plus the distance in random deviations between hospitals `\(i\)` and `\(i'\)` model for patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` `\(\hat{y}_{ij} = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{ij} = 0)\)` model for patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` `\(\hat{y}_{i'j'} = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i'}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{i'j'} = 1)\)` difference: `\(\hat{y}_{i'j'} - \hat{y}_{ij} = \beta_1 + (\zeta_{0i'} - \zeta_{0i}) = \beta_1\)` Because `\(\zeta \sim N(0,\sigma_\zeta)\)`, the differences between all different `\(\zeta_{0i'} - \zeta_{0i}\)` average out to be 0. --- # why are glmer() coefficients cluster-specific? consider a __logistic__ multilevel model: `glmer(needs_op ~ treatment + (1|hospital), family="binomial")` Imagine two patients from different hospitals. One has a treatment, one does not. - patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` is "control" - patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` is "treatment" The difference in __probability of outcome__ between patient `\(j\)` and patient `\(j'\)` is the "the effect of having treatment" plus the distance in random deviations between hospitals `\(i\)` and `\(i'\)` model for patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{ij}}{1 - p_{ij}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{ij} = 0)\)` model for patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{i'j'}}{1 - p_{i'j'}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i'}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{i'j'} = 1)\)` difference (log odds): `\(log \left( \frac{p_{i'j'}}{1 - p_{i'j'}} \right) - log \left( \frac{p_{ij}}{1 - p_{ij}} \right) = \beta_1 + (\zeta_{0i'} - \zeta_{0i})\)` --- # why are glmer() coefficients cluster-specific? consider a __logistic__ multilevel model: `glmer(needs_op ~ treatment + (1|hospital), family="binomial")` Imagine two patients from different hospitals. One has a treatment, one does not. - patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` is "control" - patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` is "treatment" The difference in __probability of outcome__ between patient `\(j\)` and patient `\(j'\)` is the "the effect of having treatment" plus the distance in random deviations between hospitals `\(i\)` and `\(i'\)` model for patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{ij}}{1 - p_{ij}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{ij} = 0)\)` model for patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{i'j'}}{1 - p_{i'j'}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i'}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{i'j'} = 1)\)` difference (odds ratio): `\(\frac{p_{i'j'}/(1 - p_{i'j'})}{p_{ij}/(1 - p_{ij})} = \exp(\beta_1 + (\zeta_{0i'} - \zeta_{0i}))\)` --- # why are glmer() coefficients cluster-specific? consider a __logistic__ multilevel model: `glmer(needs_op ~ treatment + (1|hospital), family="binomial")` Imagine two patients from different hospitals. One has a treatment, one does not. - patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` is "control" - patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` is "treatment" The difference in __probability of outcome__ between patient `\(j\)` and patient `\(j'\)` is the "the effect of having treatment" plus the distance in random deviations between hospitals `\(i\)` and `\(i'\)` model for patient `\(j\)` from hospital `\(i\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{ij}}{1 - p_{ij}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{ij} = 0)\)` model for patient `\(j'\)` from hospital `\(i'\)` `\(log \left( \frac{p_{i'j'}}{1 - p_{i'j'}} \right) = (\gamma_{00} + \zeta_{0i'}) + \beta_1 (Treatment_{i'j'} = 1)\)` difference (odds ratio): `\(\frac{p_{i'j'}/(1 - p_{i'j'})}{p_{ij}/(1 - p_{ij})} = \exp(\beta_1 + (\zeta_{0i'} - \zeta_{0i})) \neq \exp(\beta_1)\)` --- # why are glmer() coefficients cluster-specific? consider a __logistic__ multilevel model: `glmer(needs_op ~ treatment + (1|hospital), family="binomial")` Hence, the interpretation of `\(e^{\beta_1}\)` is not the odds ratio for the effect of treatment "averaged over hospitals", but rather for patients _from the same hospital_. --- # Summary - Differences between linear and logistic multi-level models are analogous to the differences between single-level linear and logistic regression models. - Fixed effects in logistic multilevel models are "conditional upon" holding the cluster constant. --- class: inverse, center, middle, animated, rotateInDownLeft # End